2. For use with amplifiers having Line level pre-amp jacks
The pre-amp outputs of your amplifier can be connected to the line level
inputs on the AEGIS Compact Sub. The line level outputs on the AEGIS
Compact Sub are then connected back to the power amp (main) inputs
on your amplifier. This provides the greatest power handling for the stereo
For use with amplifiers not having either a Subwoofer
Out jack or Line level pre-amp jacks
Using speaker cable from the speaker terminals on your amplifier, connect
to the Hi-level speaker input terminals on the AEGIS Compact Sub, and
then a further set of cables from the Hilevel output terminals to your main
stereo/satellite speakers.
(The stereo speakers receive the original amplified signal minus the
frequencies used by the subwoofer). This provides greatest power
handling for the system with good overall performance.