12 Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2015
a. Under What to back up, click Items to back up.
b. In Data to back up, select Files.
c. Select Use policy rules for selection.
d. In Use the following rules, select [All Profiles Folder], and then click Add rule.
e. Click %ALLUSERSPROFILE% and click Delete.
f. Expand the Management Server node, expand the Machines with agents node, and then
expand the All Machines node.
g. Select the check boxes next to the machines you want to back up. Click OK to confirm your
5. Specify the primary location for the backups:
a. Under Where to back up, click Location, and then select Store each machine's archive in the
specified folder on the machine with agent.
b. In the Path field, type the path to the local folder to store the backups. Click OK to confirm
your selection.
c. Specify an archive name other than the default one (for example, [Machine_Name]_Files).
Do not remove the [Machine_Name] variable from the archive name.
Details. A different name is required because the centralized vault where the backups will be
replicated to already contains archives with default names.
6. Specify the backup schedule and for how long to store the backups in the primary location:
a. In Backup scheme, select Simple.
b. By default, backup will start every day at 12 a.m. You can set a different schedule if
c. In Retention rules, select Delete backups older than.... By default, the backups will be kept
for 30 days, so you do not need to modify anything.
7. Specify the location where to replicate the backups:
a. Select the Replicate newly created backup to another location check box. The software
displays the Where to replicate/move backups block. Perform the following two steps in this
b. Click 2nd location, expand the Centralized node, and then select the vault you have created.
Click OK to confirm your selection. If prompted, provide access credentials for the vault.
c. In Retention rules, select Delete backups older than..., and then specify the value of 6
8. Click OK to save the backup plan.
Details. You will see the Backup plans and tasks view with the backup plan you have just
5.5.4 Recovering a user's document folder
In this step, you will recover a part of a user profile - a user's document folder. Depending on the
Windows version, this folder is called either Documents or My Documents.
1. Connect the console to the management server.
2. Click Recover.
3. Click Select data, click Data path, and then click Browse.
4. Expand the Centralized node, and then select the vault where the backups are stored. Click OK to
confirm your selection.
5. Click Data view.