component has already been installed to your PC and prompt you to recover
(update) or completely remove it from the disk.
In the component installation wizard select Recover/update Acronis
<component> and click Next. All necessary files will be copied to your hard
disk again to properly restore software.
2.5 Removing Acronis PowerUtilities Components
To remove a component select Acronis Æ <component> Æ Remove
<component> from the Programs menu. You will see a prompt to confirm
removal of the software from your PC hard disk.
Click Yes to confirm removal. The selected component of Acronis
PowerUtilities suite will be completely removed from the PC hard disk.
2.6 Acronis PowerUtilities Suite Interface
The user interface of Acronis PowerUtilities suite features standard Windows
graphical user interface (GUI) elements. Please pay close attention to setting
and executing clean-up variants.
2.7 Running a Suite Component
To run a suite component select Programs Æ Acronis Æ <component> from
the Start menu. For example, select Programs Æ Acronis Æ Acronis
PrivacyExpert to run Acronis PrivacyExpert.
In some cases you will be prompted to load a component from a bootable
diskette or CD-R/W, that was created during the component installation.
Acronis PowerUtilities