24 Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2012
Show only my favorite syncs (icon) - filters the syncs which you have marked as favorite.
Expand all syncs (icon) - expands all collapsed sync boxes.
Collapse all syncs (icon) - collapses all expanded sync boxes into narrow stripes.
Sort by
Name - sorts all syncs in alphabetical order.
Type - sorts all syncs according to their types.
Sync list area
The area shows the boxes of the syncs you already have. It provides access to all operations with the
existing syncs.
Operations menu
Clicking the gear icon in the box of a selected sync opens the Operations menu containing the
following items:
Sync now - runs data synchronization process forcibly. If a sync process has been interrupted for
some reason (for example, your Internet connection has failed) or it has completed with errors,
you can manually restart the sync process. To do this, first try to resolve the issue and then click
Sync now.
Pause - allows you to pause and resume the sync process. Note that the action does not delete
the sync itself and your data will not be lost.
Share... - opens the window where you can specify e-mail addresses of persons you want to
invite to share the selected sync.
Sync with... :
Acronis Cloud - allows you to store versions of the synced files on Acronis Cloud.
Local folder... - allows you to synchronize with a local folder, for example, located on an
external hard drive.
Other computer... - allows you to synchronize with your another computer. This item is only
present for syncs between local folders.
Cleanup options - allows you to set automatic cleanup rules for versions of the synced files.
View log - opens the log of True Image 2013 operations.
Remove - deletes the sync. Deleting the sync does not delete the synced folder and its contents.
However, this action deletes on Acronis Cloud all versions of the synced files if they were kept
there, including the latest ones.
If you delete or rename the folder selected for synchronization, True Image 2013 excludes your
computer from that sync. If you delete a subfolder inside the folder you have specified for
synchronization, this subfolder will be deleted on all other computers as well.
Taskbar notification area icon
When at least one Sync is active, the corresponding icon appears in the Windows taskbar notification
area. Right-clicking the icon opens the shortcut menu with the following items:
Open True Image 2013 - opens the program's main window with the Synchronization tab
Open sync folder - if you have a single sync, choosing this item opens the synchronized folder. If
you have more than one sync, this opens a submenu where you can select the desired sync