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MyBackup_mm_dd_yyyy1.tib…MyBackup_mm_dd_yyyyN.tib, where N is the number of volumes
Subsequent incremental or differential backups to this full backup will get the names as follows –
MyBackup_mm_dd_yyyy2.tib, MyBackup_mm_dd_yyyy3.tib, etc. (if the full backup is not split) or
MyBackup_mm_dd_yyyyN+1.tib, MyBackup_mm_dd_yyyyN+2.tib, etc. For instance, if N=8,
incremental or differential backups will get the names MyBackup_mm_dd_yyyy9.tib,
MyBackup_mm_dd_yyyy10.tib, etc.
3) When you back up, for example, partitions C and D, the backup gets the name
4) When you perform file-level backups, they are named depending on the backup type:
My Data backup gets the following name: MyBackup_mm_dd_yyyy.tib;
System State backup gets the following name: System State_mm_dd_yyyy.tib;
My E-mail backup gets the following name: Email_mm_dd_yyyy.tib; and
My Application Settings backup gets the following name: Application Settings_mm_dd_yyyy.tib.
5) If you right-click on a folder in Windows Explorer and choose Back Up in the shortcut menu, the
backup file gets the name of the folder with appended date, e.g. My Documents_mm_dd_yyyy.tib.
If you right-click on a file in Windows Explorer and choose Back Up in the shortcut menu, the backup
file gets the name of the file with appended date, i.e. filename_mm_dd_yyyy.tib.
If you select in Windows Explorer several files in the same folder and then choose Back Up in the
shortcut menu, the backup file gets the name of the folder with appended date, e.g. My
If you select in Windows Explorer two or more folders and then choose Back Up in the shortcut
menu, the backup file gets the name of the parent folder or disk letter (when you selected folders in
the root directory) with appended date, e.g. My Documents_mm_dd_yyyy.tib or C_mm_dd_yyyy.tib.
6) When you rename backups on the Data recovery and backup management screen, a backup is
renamed only in the program's metadata database; however, backup file names on the disk remain
3.4 Acronis Secure Zone™
The Acronis Secure Zone is a secure partition that enables keeping backup archives on a managed
machine disk space and therefore recovery of a disk to the same disk where the backup resides. In
the Acronis True Image Home wizards' windows, the zone is listed along with all locations available
for storing archives.
Certain Windows applications, such as Acronis disk management tools, can access the zone.
When you create Acronis Secure Zone, an icon appears under My Computer in the Other section.
Double-clicking on the Acronis Secure Zone icon opens the zone and you can view all the backup
archives it contains. You can also open the zone by right-clicking on its icon and choosing Open in the
shortcut menu. Double-clicking on an archive opens it and shows all backups (full, incremental,
differential) belonging to the archive. Right-clicking on a specific backup opens the shortcut menu
allowing to choose a desired operation – mount (for image archives), recover, validate, update,
remove the backup, and view the backup's details. If Acronis Secure Zone is password-protected, any
operation except viewing backup details will require entering the password. Double-clicking on a
backup will start the default operation (Mount for image backups and Recovery for data backups).