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example, with the Every 2 week(s) on Mon setting, the task will be performed on Monday of every
other week.
In the During the day execute the task... area, select one of the following: Once at: <...> or Every:
<...> From: <...> Until: <...>.
For the Once at: <...> choice, set up the time at which the task will be run once.
For the Every: <...> From: <...> Until: <...> choice, set up how many times the task will be run during
the specified time interval. For example, setting the task schedule to Every 1 hour From 10:00:00 AM
until 10:00:00 PM allows the task to be run 12 times from 10 AM to 10 PM during one day.
"One day in the week" schedule
This is a widely used backup schedule. If we need to run the Backup task every Friday at 10 PM, the
parameters are set up as follows:
1. Every: 1 week(s) on: Fri.
2. Once at: 10:00:00 PM.
"Workdays" schedule
Run the task every week on workdays: from Monday to Friday. During a workday, the task starts only
once at 9 PM. The schedule's parameters are thus set up as follows:
1. Every: 1 week(s) on: <Workdays>. Selecting the Workdays check box automatically selects the
corresponding check boxes (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, and Fri), and leaves the remaining two unchanged.
2. Once at: 09:00:00 PM.
Next to go to the last step of the
6.4 How to Back Up
On the fourth step you should define the preferences of your new backup task.
6.4.1 Backup type
First of all, you should define the archive type for the new backup. Acronis vmProtect can save your
backup data by using one of the two basic types of archives Standard archive (Legacy mode) or
Always Incremental archive.
The archive type is selected by the Single file for all backups option. When this check box is cleared,
each of your backups will be saved into a separate file. This is the Legacy archive (please, refer to
"Multiple files backup scheme (Legacy mode)" section (p. 7)). When this check box is selected
(recommended), all the backups will be physically saved into one file. This means that the archive will
please, refer to "Single file backup scheme
(Always Incremental)" section (p. 8)).