CodesDescription of the faultSolution for the fault
E 79Mix-circuit sensor Open
1. Check Mix circuit temp. sensor and wiring harness for an open circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
E 80Return > Supply: Return temperature is higher than supply temperature. Conrm water ows in boiler return and out boiler supply.
E 81Sensor Drift: Supply and return temperatures are not equal.
1. Check water is owing through boiler.
2. Wait a few minutes for the water to equalise the temperature, the boiler will automatically reset once temperatures be-
come equal.
3. If boiler doesn't reset, check the NTC's and check the wire harness, replace if necessary.
E 87External Limit Open: An external boiler limit has opened.
1. Correct condition which caused limit to open, then reset boiler.
2. The boiler needs to be reset once external limit closes.
E 89Incorrect Setting: A parameter setting is outside the settings range.
1. Review CH & DHW settings and correct as necessary.
2. The boiler will automatically reset once corrected.
E 90Firmware Mismatch: Control module and display rmware versions are incompatible.One or several components are not compatible with the system. Replace mismatched component(s).
E 91
System Sensor Shorted: A short circuit has been detected in the system temperature
sensor circuit
1. Check system temperature sensor and wiring for a short circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
E 92
System Sensor Open: An open circuit has been detected in the system temperature
sensor circuit.
1. Check system temperature sensor and wiring for an open circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
E 93
Outdoor Sensor Shorted: A short circuit has been detected in the outdoor tempera-
ture sensor circuit.
1. Check outdoor temperature sensor and wiring for a short circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
E 94Internal Display Fault: Display memory errorTurn unit o and on to resume normal operation.
E 95Supply Sensor Error: Supply sensor reading is invalid
1. Check wiring between display and control module.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
E 96
Outdoor Sensor Open: An open circuit has been detected in the outdoor tempera-
ture sensor circuit.
1. Check outdoor temperature sensor and wiring for an open circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
E 97Cascade Mismatch: Cascade conguration has changed.
1. Run autodetection if change was intentional, or else check wiring between boilers.
2. Boiler will automatically reset once repaired.
E 98Cascade Bus Error: Communication with other boilers has been lost.
1. Check wiring between boilers.
2. Boiler will automatically reset once repaired.
E 99
Controller Bus Error: Communication between boiler display and control module has
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