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User Guide
Poster frame Using the chapter property called Poster, you can designate a specific start point or frame to display.
Otherwise, the thumbnail begins at the first frame of the destination chapter or displays the first bright (nonblack)
frame of the chapter if Animate Buttons is turned off for the menu.
Video thumbnail button and corresponding button layers in Layers panel
Customize predesigned video thumbnail buttons
The easiest way to create a video thumbnail button is to drag a button from the Library panel into your menu and
then edit the button. (Many menus in the Library panel already include video thumbnail buttons.) These prede-
signed buttons are sized appropriately, contain a placeholder image with the appropriate layer name prefix (%), and
include predesigned button subpictures, which change the appearance of the button when selected and activated by
the viewer.
1 Open the menu to which you want to add video thumbnail buttons.
2 In the Library panel, click the Toggle Display Of Buttons icon to display the predesigned buttons. Video
thumbnail buttons have the word “video” in their names.
3 DragthedesiredvideothumbnailbuttonfromtheLibrarypaneltotheMenuViewer.Repeatuntilyouhaveplaced
all the buttons you need.
4 To resize the video thumbnail buttons, select the button layer sets in the Layers panel (Shift-select to select more
than one). Then, using the Selection tool , Shift-drag a corner selection handle of one of the buttons until they are
the desired size. (Using the Shift key while dragging resizes the buttons proportionally so that they maintain their
aspect ratio.)
5 Linkeachbuttontotheappropriateitem,suchasatimelineorslideshow.Torenamethebuttonswiththenames
of the linked items but leave the text in the buttons alone, deselect Sync Button Text And Name in the Properties
panel and select Set Name From Link. You can also use the Text tool to select and edit button text.
Create video thumbnail buttons in Photoshop
You can add a video thumbnail button to a menu in Photoshop and then bring the menu back into your project. The
key is to size the placeholder appropriately for the video and to add the prefix (%) to the placeholder layer name.
1 Select the menu that you want to edit in the Project panel.
2 Choose Edit > Edit Menu In Photoshop, or click the Edit Menu In Photoshop tool in the Tools panel.
Photoshop starts, displaying the selected menu.
3 Create a layer set (also called a layer group) and add (+) to the beginning of its name. Include the parentheses.
4 Create a placeholder for the video thumbnail within this layer set. You can draw the placeholder or place a still

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