Radius slider, 392–393
Sharpness slider, 324–325,
shortcuts, keyboard, 45, 180
shutter speed information, 636
sidecar files, 590
SimpleViewer galleries, 559
Simulate Paper & Ink option, 503
Single Image/Contact Sheet layout,
Site Info panel (Web module),
552, 561
Size slider
Adjustment Brush, 310
Spot Removal tool, 298, 305
images for exporting, 441–443
interpolation and, 443
thumbnails, 118
skin tone corrections, 251
Skurski, Mike, 444
Slide Editor view, 532, 538, 541
Slideshow module, 530–551
Backdrop panel, 542–543
interface overview, 530–531
Layout panel, 533
Options panel, 534–535
Overlays panel, 536–541
Playback panel, 545
Preview mode, 546–547
Slide Editor view, 532, 538, 541
Template Browser panel, 547–548
Titles panel, 544
Toolbar, 530, 547
slideshows, 530–551
backdrops for, 542–543
collection creation, 548
color processing for, 575
exporting, 549 –551
Identity Plates, 536, 537
PDF or JPEG, 549–550
playback options, 545
plug-ins for, 551
previewing/playing, 546–547
selections for, 547
sound tracks for, 545, 551
templates for, 547–548
text overlays, 538–541
titles for, 544
video, 550–551
Smart Collections, 97, 162–164
smart objects, 432–435
smart previews, 96–99
creating, 96–97
exporting catalogs with, 92, 93
sharing catalogs using, 97–99
Snapshots panel (Develop module),
saving variations using, 334, 335
Sync Snapshots feature, 334,
soft-proofing feature, 41, 501–508
Before and After views, 504–507
Before State options, 508
display screen considerations,
instructions on using, 503–508
Soft Proofing panel, 41, 503, 504
Soften Skin effect, 316–317
solid state drives (SSDs), 97, 694, 697
solo mode for panels, 180
Soni, Neil, vi
sorting photos, 656–659
color labels and, 657–659
tethered shooting and, 81
text labels and, 658
sound tracks, 545, 551
sounds, alert, 676
Source panel (Import dialog), 56
Special Characters panel, 527
splash screen options, 674, 686, 687
Split Toning panel (Develop module)
black-and-white conversions, 360,
371, 372–375
color image adjustments, 374–375
Spot Removal tool, 298–307
brush spot adjustments, 301–304
Clone and Heal modes, 298, 305
instructions for using, 298–299
keyboard shortcuts, 298, 299
synchronized spotting, 306–307
Tool Overlay options, 305
undoing/deleting spots, 305
Visualize Spots feature, 300–301
SQLite3 database format, 84
sRAW file format, 174
sRGB color space, 205, 420, 441,
450, 575
stacking photos, 152–153
star ratings, 148–149
Stern, Zalman, 5
Straighten tool, 185
striped RAID system, 697, 698
Stroke Border option, 534, 535
creating, 110
filtering, 628
importing, 57, 70
showing photos in, 104
Survey view, 35, 134–135, 144, 145
Sync Snapshots feature, 334, 336–337
Synchronize Folder dialog,
108–109, 343
Synchronize Metadata dialog, 655
Synchronize Settings dialog, 231, 306,
337, 340, 341
Auto Sync mode for, 307, 340
Develop settings, 38, 231, 340–341
folders, 108–109, 343
Lightroom with Camera Raw,
metadata settings, 655
snapshots, 334, 336–337
Spot Removal settings, 306–307
Upright settings, 271–274
system folders, 104–106
System Info dialog, 695
system recommendations, 8, 695–699
Target Adjustment tool, 236, 242,
250, 366, 377, 528
target collections, 161, 619
Temperature slider
B&W conversions, 364–365
localized adjustments, 320–321
White Balance adjustments, 195
Template Browser panel
Print module, 462, 509
Slideshow module, 547–548
Web module, 552, 572, 581
Photo Info, 477
print, 42, 485, 492, 509
settings folder for, 691–692
slideshow, 547–548
text, 572–573
Web Gallery, 581