Line [L] Record
Line [L] Record
Depending on the command (payment method or modification) the L record has different specific fields.
Common Fields
Field # Format Optional Description
1 fixed “L” N record type identifier
2 numeric N L record number within block (starts at 1, increment by 1)
3 variable [A-z0-9]+ N merchant account name
4 variable [A-z0-9]+ N payment method / modification type
5 numeric N amount in minor units (cents)
6 [A-Z]{3} N 3 letter currency code (EUR, GBP, USD, etc..)
7 any characters N/Y merchant transaction reference (blank for modifications,
required for payments)
8 any characters Y shopper reference/id (blank for modifications)
9 email address Y shopper email (blank for modifications)
10 [A-z0-9.,-? ]+ Y shopper statement (blank for modifications)
11 [Ecommerce|Moto|
Y shopper interaction flagging (additional authorisation
required to override, leave blank otherwise)
<payment method specific fields – see below>
n fixed “L” N end-of-record type identifier
Direct Debit (NL) Fields
These are the fields for the payment method “directdebit_NL” (field # 4).
Field # Format Optional Description
12 [0-9]+ N bank account number
13 [A-z0-9-. ]+ N bank account owner name
14 [A-Z]{2} N country code (only “NL” supported)
L,1,ExampleMerchant,directdebit_NL,1999,EUR,DD5401_22,user10,,Test Product
6,,123456789,Jan Janssen,NL,L
Example 5: Line [L] Record – Direct Debit
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