4.2 Packet Introduction
You've now connected your PK-232's transmit audio output to its
receive audio input. Your PK-232 can now "talk to itself" in packet.
1. Set the rear panel AFSK level control at 50% (straight up and
down) for the following Packet introduction.
NOTE: If you have adjusted the rear panel AFSK level control for a
particular transceiver as discussed in chapter 3, then mark
this setting with a pencil so it can be reset when finished.
2. Turn on your computer. Load and run your communications program.
If you are using an Timewave or AEA PAKRATT Program, follow the
program manual to enter the Packet mode and then skip to step 4.
If you are using another Computer program or a Terminal, set the
communication parameters as done in Chapters 2 and 3.
3. Press the PK-232's power switch to the ON position if you have
not already done so.
If you are using a Radio Cable to form the Loopback connection,
you should notice the sign-on message seen in chapter 2. The
Packet (PKT) LED on the PK-232 front panel should also be lit.
If you used the Battery Jumper to form the Loopback connection,
then you must type an asterisk character (*) before you will see
the sign-on message.
4. After you have seen the sign-on message and/or entered the Packet
mode, you must enter your own callsign (with the MYCALL Command)
if you are to converse with any other Packet stations. If you
try to connect to a station without entering your call sign, your
PK-232 will send you the following message:
?need MYcall
If you are a SWL and do not intend to transmit, you should enter
"AAA" as a Callsign (MYCALL).
If you are using an AEA PAKRATT program, follow the instructions
in the Program Manual to enter your callsign. If you are using a
terminal or terminal emulating program on your computer, you must
use the MYCALL command to install your call sign in your PK-232.
For example, if your Callsign is WX2BBB, enter the following:
MYcall was PK232
MYcall now WX2BBB
5. Turn the front-panel THRESHOLD control fully CounterClockWise
(CCW) and notice that the DCD LED is dark. Then turn the
THRESHOLD control fully ClockWise (CW) - the DCD LED should now
light. Adjust the THRESHOLD until the DCD LED just goes out.
This should occur between the 2-o'clock and 4-o'clock position.
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