7.4.4 Echoing Transmitted Characters As Sent (EAS)
EAS has special significance in ARQ AMTOR. If EAS is on, you will see
characters echoed to your screen only after your partner in the AMTOR
link, has validated them. With EAS ON, the characters appear on your
screen three at a time.
o If the data scrolls across your monitor at an even rate, you can
assume that you have a good ARQ link.
o If the data hesitates or scrolls in "jerky" intermittent fashion,
that's generally a sign that the radio link is not too good.
o If the characters stop appearing on your monitor, the link is
failing or has failed.
7.4.5 Sending Only Complete Words (WORDOUT)
Some AMTOR users like to have their words sent out only when they are
complete. This allows the word you are currently typing to be edited
as long as you have not typed a <Space> character. Turning WORDOUT ON
activates this feature. See the Command Summary for more information.
7.4.6 Operating on the Wrong Sideband
In AMTOR operation it is important to be operating on the correct
sideband, otherwise other stations will not be able to copy you. If
you find a station operating on the wrong sideband, you can reverse
your receive sense with the RXREV command.
Similarly, if someone tells you that you are on the wrong sideband,
you can correct your transmit signal sense with the TXREV command.
See the Command summary for more information on these commands.
7.5 Monitoring ARQ AMTOR Contacts with ALIST
Use the "ALIST" command to monitor ARQ traffic flowing between two
stations linked in an ARQ contact. Your PK-232 will try to
synchronize with whichever of the two linked ARQ stations is the
Information Sending Station at the moment.
Mode A Listen operation does not give you error detection or error
correction; your PK-232 is not one of the two stations two stations
locked to each other. If the other two stations are enjoying a good
link, you'll probably get good copy from that link.
Your PK-232 will not print a block of data if that block contains the
same information as the previous block. If the "ISS" (Information
Sending Station) is repeating the same block, you won't print it
twice, unless you receive an error. If the stations you're monitoring
are sending error and RQ codes and repeating blocks of characters
across their link, you may see some repeated character blocks. If
they're having link problems, the data on your screen can look very
strange indeed, although the two synchronized stations are getting
error-free copy.
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