8.1 Overview
The PK-232 will both send and receive International Morse Code. The
computer based Morse operator can use the PK-232 to send "perfect"
code at much higher speeds than are typical of hand sent code. When a
computer is used to send and receive Morse Code, you can also maintain
record of your contacts.
As a rule, no computer can receive morse as well as the FSK modes.
Your PK-232 is no exception. A strong signal and a "good" fist are
both required for the PK-232 to do a reasonable job of copying code.
Don't expect your PK-232 to do miracles and produce good copy from bad
8.2 Where to Operate Morse
Before you can operate Morse, you must first know where the activity
is. Morse operation is permitted on any amateur frequency, but most
often occurs in the lower 100 to 250 KHz of a band.
8.2.1 PK-232 Morse Parameter Settings
If you are using an AEA PAKRATT program, follow the instructions in
the program manual to enter the Morse mode.
If you are using a terminal, simply type "MORSE" or "MO" from the
Command Mode followed by the <Enter> key to enter the Morse mode.
The PK-232 responds by displaying the previous mode:
Opmode was PAcket
Opmode now MOrse
8.2.2 HF Receiver Settings
Set your HF receiver (or transceiver) to the CW mode. Adjust the
volume to a comfortable listening level. Be certain that any IF-Shift
and Passband Tuning controls are centered or set to the OFF position.
8.2.3 Tuning in Morse Stations
Tuning in Morse stations properly is critical to successful operation.
Follow the procedure below for the best results in tuning in Morse
o Make certain your HF receiver is in the CW mode.
o Turn any IF-Shift and Passband-Tuning controls to the Center or
OFF position.
o Tune your receiver carefully in the lower portion of your
favorite amateur band and look for Morse signals.
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