ALFRtty ON|OFF Default: ON
Mode: Baudot/ASCII RTTY Host: AR
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
ON - A line feed character <LF> IS sent after each carriage return <CR>.
OFF - A <LF> is NOT sent after each <CR>.
If ALFRTTY is set ON when transmitting Baudot or ASCII RTTY, a line feed
character is added and sent automatically after each <CR> character you type.
Use this option when you are typing into the transmit buffer and don't want to
be bothered worrying about line length. You should NOT use this option when
retransmitting text received from another station; for example, ARRL Bulletins.
o ALFRTTY has no effect in AMTOR; a line feed is automatically added after
each carriage return.
AList Immediate Command
Mode: AMTOR Host: AL
ALIST is an immediate command that switches your PK-232 into the ARQ Listen mode.
You can usually monitor a contact between two linked stations using the ARQ
Listen mode (also called Mode L). This mode may need a few seconds to phase or
acquire synchronization with the other stations. Your ability to synchronize
with the master station depends on operating conditions such as interference.
Your monitor will display all the retries if the linked stations that you are
monitoring are experiencing ARQ errors.
Type ALIST (or AL) repeatedly if you lose synchronization.
ALTModem "n" Default: 0
Mode: Packet Host: Am
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
"n" - A numeric value of 0 or 1 selecting either the default (0) PK-232
45-300/1200 baud modem, or the optional (1) 2400 bps DPSK modem.
n is a numeric value 0 or 1, selecting the standard PK-232 modem (ALTMODEM 0,
default) or the optional 2400 bps modem (ALTMODEM 1). Only the Packet mode uses
ALTMODEM 1. In all other modes, one of the internal FSK/CW modems is selected.
ALTMODEM is used only when the optional internal 2400 bps DPSK modem has been
factory installed. Remember to set HBAUD to 2400 when using this modem.
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