AWlen "n" Default: 7
Mode: All Host: AW
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
"n" - 7 or 8 specifies the number of data bits per word.
The parameter value defines the digital word length used by the serial
input/output (I/O) terminal port and your computer or terminal program.
AWLEN will probably be set properly by the PK-232 Autobaud routine. Still
you may want to change the ASCII word-length at some time to accommodate a
terminal program you wish to use.
For plain text conversations with the PK-232, an AWLEN of 7 or 8 may be used.
For binary file transfers and HOST Mode operation, an AWLEN of 8 MUST be used.
The RESTART command must be issued before a change in word length takes effect.
Do NOT change AWLEN unless the terminal can be changed to the same setting.
Ax25l2v2 ON|OFF Default: ON
Mode: Packet Host: AV
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
ON - The PK-232 uses AX.25 Level 2 Version 2.0 protocol.
OFF - The PK-232 uses AX.25 Level 2 Version 1.0 protocol.
This command allows the selection of either the old (version 1) version of the
AX.25 packet protocol or the current (version 2.0) protocol. Some
implementations of version 1 of AX.25 protocol won't properly digipeat Version
2.0 AX.25 packets. Most users run AX.25 version 2 but this command allows
returning to the older version if necessary for compatibility.
AXDelay "n" Default: 0 (00 msec.)
Mode: Packet Host: AX
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
"n" - 0 to 180 specifies a key-up delay for voice repeater operation in
ten-millisecond intervals.
AXDELAY specifies the period of time the PK-232 will wait - in addition to the
delay set by TXDELAY - after keying the transmitter and before data is sent.
Packet groups using a standard "voice" repeater to extend the range of the local
area network may need to use this feature.
Repeaters with slow electromechanical relays, auxiliary links (or other circuits
which delay transmission after the RF carrier is present) require more time to
get RF on the air. Try various values to find the best value for "n" if you're
using a repeater that hasn't been used for packet operations before. If other
packet stations have been using the repeater, check with them for the proper
setting. AXDELAY acts together with AXHANG.
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