When CHCALL is OFF, the monitored activity looks like this:
:0hi John
hello Mike how goes it?
:1must be a dx record. ge John
When CHCALL is ON, the same contact has the additional underlined information:
:0:N7ML:hi John
hello Mike how goes it?
:1must be a dx record. ge John
CHDouble ON|OFF Default: OFF
Mode: Packet Host: CD
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
ON - Received CHSWITCH characters appear twice (doubled).
OFF - Received CHSWITCH characters appear once (not doubled).
CHDOUBLE ON displays received CHSWITCH characters as doubled characters.
Set CHDOUBLE ON When operating with multiple connections to tell the difference
between CHSWITCH characters received from other stations and CHSWITCH characters
generated by your PK-232. In the following example CHDOUBLE is ON and CHSWITCH
is set to "|" ($7C):
|| this is a test.
The sending station actually transmitted:
| this is a test.
The same frame received with CHDOUBLE OFF would be displayed as:
| this is a test.
CHeck "n" Default: 30 (300 sec.)
Mode: Packet Host: CK
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
"n" - 0 to 250 specifies the check time in ten-second intervals.
0 - Zero disables this feature.
CHECK sets a time-out value for a packet connection if the distant station has
not been heard from for CHECK times 10 seconds.
Without the CHECK feature, if your PK-232 were connected to another station and
the other station disappeared, your PK-232 would remain connected indefinitely,
perhaps refusing connections from other stations.
8/91 A-24