DAB/FM button (3)
For switching between DAB and FM mode.
VOL+/VOL- Volume (6)
Adjust to your preferred volume level. The higher the volume,
the more blocks are filled in.
headphone jack (12)
When listening via headphones, please use headphones with
a 3.5 mm stereo jack plug which you will connect to the head-
phone jack. The speakers will be deactivated.
Delayed shut-off (SLEEP)
The delayed shut-off function can be used in radio mode.
The device automatically switches off when the selected time
is reached.
• SelectthetimebyrepeatedlypressingtheSLEEP/
ton (10), after which the device switches off. Select from:
15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 minutes.
• TheSLEEPOFFsettingdeactivatesthisfunction.
Briefly press the SLEEP/ button to show the remaining
This function can also be activated via the Settings menu.
see section “Settings menu.”
Listening to the radio
Scan FM stations
1. Repeatedly press DAB/FM/ button (3) until the display
shows “FM MODE”.
2. You have two options for tuning a station:
- Press the
/ buttons (6).
- Keep the BACK/SCAN button (4) pressed. The device
3. If the reception is too weak and there is noise on the re-
ceived station, try to improve the reception by changing
the position of the telescopic antenna. If the reception is
poor, we recommend switching to “FORCED MONO”
(Mono) in the “AUDIO SETTING” menu see section
“Settings menu”.
Press ENTER button (5) to toggle between Stereo and
Mono mode.
Show FM information
Press the INFO/MENU button (2) to show the following
information, if broadcasted by a radio station.
• RadioTextisshownbydefaultonthedisplay.Ifno
• Theprogramtype(PTY)ofthestationisdisplayed(e.g.
pears on the display.
• Displaythestationname.Ifnonameisreceived,[No
• Thesetaudiomodeisdisplayed.STEREOorMONO.
• Displaythetime.
• Displaythedate.
Scan DAB stations
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) is a digital broad casing
standard for terrestrial reception of digital radio. A list of radio
stations which can be received in Germany is available on the
Internet at www.digitalradio.de.
digital radio broadcasts (as of Nov. 2011). In the individual
areas however, coverage and provision vary greatly. If the
DAB stations in your region cannot be received or only with
interferences depending on location, in this case you can
switch to the FM band to receive this station. This is only
possible however if these stations are broadcast via UKW.
Find out more on the internet site of the radio station.
1. Press the DAB/FM button (3) repeatedly until “DAB
MODE” appears on the display.
2. Keep the BACK/SCAN button (4) pressed. The device
then searches for the radio stations which can be re-
3. Youcanselectthenextorthepreviousstationbyusing
/ buttons (6).
4. If the reception is too weak and the received station
“motorboats”, try to improve the reception by changing
the position of the antenna.
• ForoptimumDABreception,werecommendtoalign
the telescopic antenna vertically.
• YoucannottogglebetweenMonoandStereoduring.
• TomanuallysetaDABfrequency,proceedasde-
scribed in the “Settings menu” section.
Display additional DAB information
In DAB mode, you can display the following additional infor-
mation if broadcast by the radio station. To do so, press the
INFO/MENU button (2).
• DLS:ShortforDynamic Label Segment. This involves
complementary data. This content may be e.g. informa-
tion about the station or the music title and artist being
• Displaysthereceivedsignalstrength.
• Thisindicatesthestationcategory(e.g.Pop-Music,News