• Message notifications
Mark the checkbox to display message notifications in
the status bar.
• Sound
Touch to select a ringtone as a new message notification
Text message (SMS)
• Manage SIM card
Touch to manage text messages stored on your SIM
• SMS Service Centre
Touch to edit or view the service centre number.
• Validity period
Touch to select the validity period, during which the
network provider will continue to try to send the
• Character code
Touch to select the Character code.
Multimedia message (MMS)
• Request delivery report
Select to request a delivery report for each multimedia
message you send.
• Request read report
Select to request a report on whether each recipient has
read a multimedia message sent by you.
• Auto-retrieve
Select to download the full MMS message (including
message body and attachment) automatically to your
phone. Otherwise, download only the MMS message