TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg aa ccaallll
If you are in the middle of a conversation, you may want to transfer your caller to
another terminal
To transfer a call:
(1) Make a 2nd call, and when the second party answers, advise that station user
that you are transferring a call to them.
(2) to complete the transfer.
Notes : If you prefer, you can transfer the call without waiting to see if the other party
answers (even if their line is busy). It is usually not possible to transfer calls between two
outside lines - this depends upon your system configuration.
PPuuttttiinngg aa ccaallll oonn hhoolldd
If you are in conversation with an internal or external caller, you may want to put
your party on hold, and be able to retrieve the call later at the same terminal.
To put a call on hold:
(or press the line key relating to a new call).
To return to the first caller (on hold), press the line key for that call.
IIff yyoouu ffoorrggeett oorr lloossee aa ccaallll oonn hhoolldd
If you hang up while you have a call on hold, the display and the associated line
key LED will flash and your phone will ring. To recover the call: pick up the handset
and press the appropriate line key.