26 27
36 35
microSDLogois atrademark.
TheBluetoothw ordmarkand logosare ownedb ythe
BluetoothSIG,Inc.andanyuseof suchmarksbyT CL
CommunicationLtd. and its affiliates is under license.
Othertrademarksandtradenames arethoseoftheir
Bluetooth Declaration ID
Facebookand thef Logoare trademarks of
Facebook,Inc., andare usedunder license.
Twitterand theT Logoare trademarks of
Twitter,Inc., andare usedunder license.
Contactyournetworkoperator forservice availability .
User Data Format ALL user phone data: Cont acts, messages and
fileswill belost permanently . Pleasestore phone data in SIM cardbefore
youwantto format
T r oubleshooting................
Befor e cont acting the service center , you are a dvised to follow the
• Y ou are advised to fully charge ( ) the battery f or optimal
• A voidstoring largeamountsof data inyourphoneas thismayaffect
itsper formance.
• Use User Data Format
and the Mobile Upgrade tool to per form
phoneformatting orsoftwareupgrading,(t oresetUserDataformat,
hold down # while simultaneously pr essing the pow er on/off key
under pow er off mode). ALL User phone dat a: contacts, photos,
messages and files, downloaded applications like MRE games will
be lost permanently . It is stronglyadvised to fullybackup the phone
data andprofilevia PCsuitebeforedoing formattingandupgrading.
andcarr yout thefollowingchecks:
My phone is froz en or cannot switch on
• Checkthe battery powerlevel,chargeforat least20 minutes
• Ifit stilldoes not work,please useUser Data Format
to resetthe
phoneor MobileUpgradeto upgradesoftware
My phone has not responded for se veral minutes
• Restartyourphone bypressingand holdingthe key
• Ifit stilldoes not work,please useUser Data Format
to resetthe
phoneor MobileUpgradeto upgradesoftware
My phone turns off by itself
• Check whether yourphone is locked when not in use, and makesure
you don't accidentally turn off your phone when locking it by pressing
thepowerkey .
• Checkthe battery chargelevel
• Ifit stilldoes not work,please useUser Data Format
to resetthe
phoneor MobileUpgradeto upgradesoftware
My phone cannot charge properl y
• Make sur e that your battery is not completely discharged; if the
battery pow er is empty f or a long time, it may take around 20
minutestodisplaythe battery chargerindicator onthe screen.
• Make sure charging is carried out under normal conditions (0°C
• Whenabroad,checkthat the voltageinput iscompatible
My phone cannot connect to a network or “No ser vice” is
display ed
• T ry connectingin anotherlocation
• V erify the networkcoveragewithyouroperator
• Checkwith youroperatorthat yourSIM cardisvalid
• T ry selectingthe availablenetwork(s)manually
• T ry connectingat alater timeif the networkisoverloaded
My phone cannot connect to the Internet
• Check that the IMEI number ( press *#06#) is the same as the one
printedon yourwarrantycardor box
• Make sure that the internet access service of your SIM card is
• Checkyourphone's Internetconnecting settings
• Makesureyouareina placewith networkcoverage
• T ry connectingat alater timeor another location
Invalid SIM car d
• MakesuretheSIM cardhasbeen correctlyinserted
• Makesurethechip onyourSIM cardis notdamaged orscratched
• Makesuretheservice of yourSIMcardis available
Unable to make outg oing calls
• Makesureyouhavedialedavalid numberand pressthe sendkey
• Forinternationalcalls, checkthe country and areacodes
• Makesureyour phone is connectedto a network, and the network
isnot overloa ded or unavailable
• Check your subscription status with your operator (credit, SIM
• Makesureyouhavenotbarredoutgoingcalls
• Makesurethatyourphone isnot in flight mode
Unable to receiv e incoming calls
• Make sure your phone is switched on and connected to a network
• Check your subscription status with your operator (credit, SIM
• Makesureyouhavenotforwardedincomingcalls
• Makesurethatyouhavenotbarredcer tain calls
• Makesurethatyourphone isnot in flight mode
The caller’ s name/number does not appear when a call is
• Checkthat youhavesubscribedtothis service withyour operator
• Y ourcaller hasconcealed his/hername or number
I cannot find my contacts
• MakesureyourSIMcardis not brok en
• MakesureyourSIMcardis inserted properly
• Import allcont actsstoredinSIM cardtophone
The sound quality of the calls is poor
• Y oucana djustthevolumeduringa callbypressing thenavigationk ey
• Checkthe networkstrength
• Make sure that the receiver , connector or speaker on your phone
I am unable to use the features described in the manual
• Check with your operator to make sure that your subscription
includesthis service
• Makesurethis featuredoes not requirean AL C A TEL ONETOUCH
When I select a number from m y contacts, the number cannot
be dialed
• Makesurethatyouhavecorrectlyrecor ded thenumber inyour file
• Make sure that you hav e selected the country prefix when calling
I am unable to add a contact in m y contacts
• MakesurethatyourSIMcardcontactsarenotfull;deletesomefiles
orsavethefiles inthe phonecont acts
My callers are unable to lea ve messages on m y voicemail
• Contactyournetworkoperator tocheck service availability
I cannot access my v oicemail
• Makesure youroperator’ s voicemailnumber is correctlyentered in
"Messages\V oicemail"
• T ry laterif thenetworkis busy
I am unable to send and receiv e MMS
• Checkyourphone memory availabilityasit might befull
• Contact your network operator to check service availability and
checkMMS parameters
• V erify the server center number or your MMS pr ofile with your
• Theserver centermaybe swamped,tr yagain later
The flickering icon is display ed on my standb y screen
• Y ou have saved too many short messages on your SIM card; delete
someof themor archivethemin thephone memor y
SIM card PIN lock ed
• Contacty ournetwork operatorto obtainthePUK code(Personal
UnblockingKe y)
I am unable to connect m y phone to my computer
• Install AL C A TEL ONET OUCH PCsuite firstof all
• Checkthat yourcomputermeetsthe requirementsforAL CA TEL
ONET OUCH PCSuite installation
• Makesurethatyou’ reusing theright cablefromthe box
I am unable to do wnload new files
• Makesurethereissuf ficientphonememor y foryourdownload
• SelectthemicroSDcardasthelocationtostoredownloadedfiles
• Checkyoursubscription status withyour operator
The phone cannot be detected by others via Bluetooth
• Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on and your phone is visible
toother users
• Make sure that the two phones are within Bluetooth’ s detection
How to mak e your battery last longer
• Makesur eyou followthe completechargetime (minimum3hours)
• Aftera par tialcharge,the batter ylev elindicatorma ynotbe exact.
W ait foratleast 20 minutesafter remo ving the chargerto obtain
• Switchonthebacklight uponrequest
• DeactivateBluetoothwhennot in use
Some people may suffer epileptic seizures or blackoutswhen exposed
to flashing lights, or when playing video g ames. These seizures or
black outs may occur even if a person never had a previous seizure or
black out. If you haveexperienced seizures or blackouts,or if you hav e
afamilyhistoryofsuchoccurrences,pleaseconsultyourdoctorbef ore
playingvideo games on your mobile phone or enabling a flashing-lights
featureon yourmobile phone . Parentsshould monitor their children’ s
the mobile phones. All persons should discontinue use and consult a
doctor if any of the following symptoms occur : convulsion, eye or
muscle twitching, loss of awareness, inv olunt ary movements , or
disorientation.T olimit thelik elihoodofsuch symptoms, pleasetake the
- Play at the farthest distance possible from the screen.
When you play games on your mobile phone , you may experience
occasionaldiscomfortinyourhands,arms, shoulders,neck, orotherpar ts
of your body . Follo w these instructions to av oid problems such as
tendinitis,carpal tunnelsyndrome, orother musculoskeletaldisorders:
- T ake a minimum of a 15-minute break every hour of g ame playing.
- Ifyourhands, wrists,or armsbecome tiredor sorewhileplaying,
stopand restforseveralhoursbeforeplayingagain.
- If you continue to have sore hands, wrists, or arms during or after
playing,stoptheg ameand seea doctor .
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high
volume levels for long periods. Exercise caution when
holding your device near your ear while the loudspeaker is
Please note that you must respectthe la ws andregulations in forcein
your jurisdictionorother jurisdiction(s)where youwill useyour mobile
phone regarding t aking photographs and recor ding sounds with your
mobilephone .Pursuant tosuch lawsandregulations,it maybe strictly
forbidden to take photographs and/or to recor d the voices of other
peopleor anyof theirpersonal attributes,and reproduceordistribute
them,as thismaybe consideredtobe aninvasion ofprivacy .
Itis the user’ s sole responsibilitytoensure thatprior authorization be
obtained, if necessary , in order to record private or confidential
conversations or take a photograph of another person; the
manufactur er ,the selleror vendorofyourmobile phone(includingthe
ofthe mobilephone .
Befor eremoving thebatteryfromy ourmobilephone,please makesure
thatthe mobilephone isswitched off.
Observethe followingprecautionsforbatteryuse:
- Do notattempt toopen thebatter y(due to therisk oftoxicfumes
- Donot puncture,disassemble orcause ashor t-circuitina battery,
- Do not burn ordispose of a used battery in the garbage or storeit
Batteries must be disposed of in accordance with locally applicable
environmental regulations. Only use the battery for the purpose for
which it was designed. Nev er use damaged batteries or those not
recommendedbyT CL CommunicationLtd. and/orits affiliates.
This symbol on your mobile phone , the batter y and the
accessories means that these products must be taken to
collectionpoints atthe endof their life:
- Municipal waste disposal centers with specific bins for
theseitems ofequipment.
-Collection binsat pointsof sale.
Theywill thenbe recy cled, preventingsubst ances being disposed of in
theenvironment,sothat their componentscan bereused.
In European Union countries:
Thesecollectionpoints areaccessiblefreeofcharge. Allproductswith
thissign mustbe broughttothese collectionpoints.
In non European Union jurisdictions:
Items of equipment with this symbol are not be throwninto ordinary
bins if your jurisdiction or your region has suit able recycling and
collectionfacilities;instea dtheyaretobetak entocollectionpointsfor
themto berecycled.
In the United States you may learn more about CTIA ’ s Recycling
Programathttp://www.go wirelessgogreen.org/
HomeA .C./ T ravelchargerswilloperatewithin thetemperaturerange
of:0°C (32°F)to 40°C(104°F).
The chargers designed for your mobile phone meet with the standard
for safety of information technology equipment and of fice equipment
use. Due to different applicable electrical specifications, a charger you
purchased in one jurisdiction ma y not work in another jurisdiction.
Theyshouldbe used forthispurpose only .
Safety and use ..................
W erecommendthatyou readthischaptercarefullybefor e usingyour
mobile phone. The manufacturer disclaims any liability for damage,
whichma yresultas aconsequenceofimproper useorusecontraryto
theinstructions contained herein.
Given that studies show that using a mobile phone while driving a
vehicle constitutes a real risk , even when the hands-freekit is used
(carkit, headset...), driversarerequested torefrainfrom using their
mobile phone when the vehicle is not parked. Check the laws and
regulations on the use of wireless mobile phones and their
accessoriesin theareaswher eyoudrive.Alwa ysobeythem. Theuse
ofthese devicesmaybeprohibitedor restrictedincer tain areas.
When driving, do not use y our mobile phone and headphone to
listentomusicortotheradio.Usingaheadphonecanbe dangerous
andforbiddenin someareas.
Whenswitchedon,yourmobilephoneemitselectromagneticwa ves
that can inter fer e with the vehicle’ s electronic systems such as ABS
anti-lockbrakesor airbags.T oensurethat thereis noproblem:
- donotplace yourmobilephone ontop ofthe dashboardor
withinan airbagdeploymentarea,
- checkwithyour cardealer orthe carmanufacturertomakesure
thatthe car’ selectronicdevices areshieldedfrommobile phone
RFenerg y .
Y ouarea dvisedtoswitchoffthemobilephonefromtimetotimeto
optimizeits performance.
Remembertoabide bylocal authorityrules of mobilephone use on
Operational W arnings: Obey all posted signs when using mobile
devicesinpublic areas.
Follow Instructions to Avoid Interference Problems: T urn off your
mobile device in any location where posted notices instruct you to
doso .Inanaircraft,tur noffyourmobilede vicewheneverinstructed
todo soby airlinestaf f.If yourmobilede viceoffersan airplanemode
orsimilar feature,consultairline staf fabout usingit inf light.
Switchthemobilephoneoffwhenyouar einhealth carefacilities,ex cept
in designated areas. As with many other types of equipment now in
regular use , mobile phones can interfere with other electrical or
electronicdevices,orequipment using radiofrequency .
Switch the mobile phone off when you are near g as or flammable
liquids.Strictly obeyallsignsand instructionspostedin afueldepot,gas
station, orchemical plant,or inany potentiallyexplosiveatmosphere.
Whenthemobilephoneisswit chedon,itshouldbekeptatleast15 cm
from any medical device such as a pacemak er , a hearing aid or insulin
pump. In particular when using the mobile phone y ou should hold it
againstthe earon the oppositeside tothe device,if any .
Rea d and follow the directions fr om the manufacturer of your
implantable medical device. Ifyou haveanyquestions about using your
mobile device with your implantable medical device, consult your
healthcareprovider .
T o avoid hearing impairment, answer the call before holding your
mobile phoneto your ear .Also move the handset awa y fromyour ear
whileusing the“hands-free”option becausetheamplifiedv olumemight
causehearing damage.
Itis recommended toha veproper supervisionwhile smallchildren usey our
mobilephone .
When r eplacing the co ver please note that your mobile phone ma y
contain substances thatcould createanallergic reaction.
Alwayshandle yourmobile phone with care and keepit in a clean and
environmental conditions (moisture, humidity , rain, infiltration of
liquids,dust, sea air , etc.). The manufactur er’srecommendedoperating
temperature range is -10°C (14°F) to +55°C (131°F) (the max value
dependson device,materials andhousing paint/texture).
Over 55°C (131°F) the legibility of the mobile phone’ s displaymay be
impaired,thoughthis istemporar yand notserious.
Donot openor attemptto repairyourmobilephone yourself.
Donot drop , throwortr yto bendyourmobile phone.
Do not use the mobile phone if the glass made screen, is damaged,
crack ed orbrokentoavoidanyinjur y .
Donot paintit.
Use only batteries, battery chargers, and accessories which are
recommended by T CL Comm unication Ltd. and its affiliates and are
compatible with your mobile phone model. T CL Communication Ltd.
and its af filiates disclaim any liability for damage caused by the use of
otherchargers orbatteries.
Y our mobile phone should not be disposed of in a municipal waste.
Pleasecheck localregulationsfordisposal of electronicproducts.
Remember to make ba ck-up copies or keep a written recor d of all
important informationstoredinyour mobilephone .
Characteristics of pow er supply (dependingon thecountr y):
T rav el charger : Input:100-240V , 50/60Hz ,150 mA
Output:5 V ,550 mA
Battery: Lithium850 mAh
Y ourmobile phoneisara diotransmitterand receiver .Itisdesigned and
manufactur ed nottoexceedthe emissionlimits forexposuretoradio-
frequency (RF) energy. These limits are part of comprehensive
guidelines and est ablish permitted levels of RF energ y for the general
population.Theguidelinesarebasedonstandardsthatwerede veloped
byindependent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough
evaluation of scientific studies. These guidelines include a substantial
ageand health.
The exposure standard for mobile phones employs a unit of
measurementknownastheSpecificAbsorptionRate, orSAR.The SAR
limit set by public authorities such as the Federal Communications
Commissionof theUSGo vernment(FCC), orby Industr yCanada, is1.6
W/kgav eragedover1gramof bodytissue .T estsforSARar econducted
using st andard operating positions with the mobile phone transmitting
atits highestcer tifiedpowerlevelinall testedfrequencybands.
Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level,
the actual SAR level of the mobile phone while operating can be well
below themaximum value.Thisis becausethe mobilephone isdesigned
to operate at multiple pow er levels so as to use only the power
requir ed to reach the netw ork . In general, the closer you ar e to a
wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output of the
mobilephone. Beforeamobile phonemodel isavailableforsaleto the
public, compliance with national regulations and st andards must be
The highest SAR value for this model mobile phone when tested is
1.36W/Kg for useatthe earand1.17W/Kg foruse closeto thebody .
While there may be differ ences between the SAR levels of various
mobile phones and at various positions, theyall meet the government
requir ement for RF exposure. F or body-worn operation, the mobile
phonemeetsFCCRF exposureguidelinesprovidedthatitisused with
a non-metallic accessory with the handset at least 10 mm fr om the
body . Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC
Additionalinformationon SARcan befoundon theCellular
T elecommunications& InternetAssociation (CTIA)W eb site:
http://www .ctia.org/
The W orld Health Organization (WHO) considers that present
scientific information does not indicate the need for any special
precautionsf oruseofmobilephones.Ifindividualsareconcerned,they
might choose t o limit their own or their children ’ s RF exposure by
limitingthelengthof calls,orusing“hands-free”de vicestokeep mobile
phones away from the head and body . (fact sheet n°193). Additional
WHO information about electr omagnetic fields and public health are
availableonthe followingwebsit e: http://www.who .int/peh-emf.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limitsforaClassBdigitaldevicepursuanttopart15of theFCCRules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential inst allation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful inter ference to radio comm unications. Howe ver , there is no
guaranteethat interferencetoradio ortelevision reception,whichcan
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the
- Reorientor relocatethereceivingantenna.
- Increasethe separationbetween theequipment andreceiver .
- Connecttheequipment intoan outleton acircuit differentfr omthat
towhich thereceiverisconnected.
- Consultthedealer oran experienced radio/TVtechnician forhelp.
Changes or modifications not expressly appr oved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’ s authority to operate
For the r eceiver de vices associated with the operation of a licensed
radioservice (e.g. FMbroadcast),theybear thefollowingstatement:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful
Forotherdevices, theybear thefollowingstatement:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subjectto thefollowingtwoconditions:
(1)this devicemaynotcause harmful interference
(2) this device must accept any interference r eceived, including
interferencethatmaycauseundesired operation.
Y our mobile phone is equipped with a built-in antenna. For optimal
operation,youshould avoidtouchingitor degradingit.
As mobile devices offer a range of functions, they can be used in
positionsother thanagainst yourear .Insuch circumstancesthe device
will be compliant with the guidelines when used with headset or usb
data cable. If you are using another accessory ensure that whatever
product is used is free of any met al and that it positions the mobile
phoneat least10 mmawayfromthebody .
General information .......
• W ebsite:www.alcatelonetouch.com
• Facebook:http://www.fa cebook.com/alcatelonetouchusa
• T witter:http://www .twitter .com/alcatel1touch
• Hot Line Number: Inthe UnitedStates,call 877-702-3444
On our Internet site, you will find our FA Q (Frequently Asked
Quest ions) section. Y ou can also contact us by e-mail to ask any
An electronic v ersion of this user guide is available in English and
otherlanguages accordingtoavailabilityonour server :
www .alcatelonetouch.com
Y our telephoneis a transceiverthat operateson GSM 850/900/1800/1900
MHzand UMTS850/2100 MHz.
Protection a gainst theft
Y our mobile phone is identified by an IMEI (mobile phone serial
number)shownonthepackaginglabeland intheproduct’ smemor y .
W e recommend that y ou note the number the first time you use
yourmobile phone by entering *#06# and keepit in a safe place. It
may be requested by the police or your operat or if your mobile
phoneis stolen.
There may be cer tain differences between the user manual
description and the mobile phone’ s operation, depending on the
softwarereleaseofyourmobilephoneor specificoperatorser vices.
TCL Communication shall not be held legally r esponsible for such
differences, if an y, nor for their potential consequences, which
responsibilityshallbe borneby theoperator exclusively .
Therear enoexpresswarranties,whetherwritten, oralorimplied,other
than this printed limited warranty or the mandatory warranty pro vided
byyour jurisdiction. In no eventshall TCLCommunication (US), Inc. or
anyof itsaffiliatesbeliablef orincidentalorconsequentialdamages ofany
nature whatsoever , including but not limited to commercial loss, to the
full extent those damages can be disclaimed by law . Some states do not
allowtheexclusion orlimit ationof incidental or consequentialdamages,
or limitation of the duration of implied warranties, so the preceding
limitations orexclusionsmaynot applytoyou.
How to obtain Support: Contact the customer care center by calling
(877-702-3444) or going to ( http://www .alcatelonetouch.com/usa/). W e
hav eplacedmany self-helptoolsthatma yhelpyou toisolatethe problem
andeliminatetheneedtosend yourwirelessdeviceinforservice.Inthe
case that your wireless device is no longer cov ered by this limited
warranty due to time or condition, you mayutilize our outof warranty
How to obtain Hardware Service within the terms of this warranty:
Create auserprofile(alcatel.f inetw.com)and thencreateanRMAf orthe
defective device. Ship the device with a copy of the original pr oof of
purchase (e.g. original copy of the dated bill of sale, invoice) with the
owner’ sreturnad dress(NoPOBo xesaccepted),wir elesscarrier’ sname,
alternate daytime phone number , and email addr ess with a complete
problem description. Only ship the device . Do not ship the SIM card,
memory cards,or anyother accessoriessuch as thepoweradapter . Y ou
mustproperlypackage and ship thewireless deviceto the repaircenter .
T CLCommunication(US),Inc. isnotresponsibleforde vicesthatdo not
arrive at the service center or are damaged in transit. Insurance is
recommended with proof of delivery . Upon receipt, the ser vice center
willverify the warranty conditions,repair ,and returnyour deviceto the
addr ess providedintheRMA .Checkthe warrantyrepairstatusbygoing
onlinewith theRMA numberon webport al.
TCL Communication (US), Inc.
W arranty ...............................
T CL Communication (US), Inc. warrants to the original retail purchaser
of this wireless device that should this pr oduct or part thereof during
normal consumer usage and condition be proven to be defective in
material or workmanship that results in product failure within the first
sales receipt from an authorized sales agent. Such defect(s) will be
repair ed orreplaced(withneworrebuiltpar ts)atthe company’ soption
withoutcharge forparts orlabor directlyrelatedtothe defect(s).
Batteries,pow eradapters,andotheraccessoriessoldasinboxit emsare
also warranted against defectsand workmanshipthat resultsin product
failurewithinthef irstsix(6)monthsperiodfromthedate ofpurchaseas
shown on your original sales receipt. Such defect(s) will be repair ed or
replaced (with new or rebuilt par ts) at the compan y’s option without
chargeforpar tsor labordirectlyrelatedtothe defect(s).
Thelimitedwarrantyforyourwirelessdevicewillbevoidedifanyof the
followingconditionsoccur :
• Non-compliance with the instructions for use or inst allation, or with
technicalandsafetystandardsapplicableinthegeographicalareawher e
yourphoneis used;
• Connection to any equipment not supplied or not recommended by
T CL Communication(US), Inc.;
• Modificationor repairperformedby individualsnot authorized byT CL
Communication(US), Inc.or its affiliates;
• Changes to the device operating system by the user or third party
• Acts of god such as inclement weather , lightning, power surges, fir e,
humidity ,infiltration ofliquidsorf oods,chemicalproducts, downloadof
files,crash, highvoltage, corrosion,oxidation;
• Remo val or altering of the wireless device’ s event labels or serial
• Damage from exposure to water or other liquids, moisture, humidity,
excessive temperatur es or extreme environmental conditions, sand,
excessdustand anycondition outsidethe operatingguidelines;
• Defectsinappearance,cosmetic,decorativeorstructuralit emssuchas
framingand non-operativeparts;
•Damage asresultof physicalabuse regardlessofcause.
Regulator y information ..
Thef ollowingappr ovalsand noticesapply inspecific regionsas noted.