Call memory ....................
From the main screen, press the key and your phone displays a call
list. Each call is displayed with an icon indicating the type of the call
(Outgoing calls, Answered calls, Missed calls).
Missed calls Outgoing calls Answered calls
Select a telephone number in the list and press the key to redial it or
press the key to access the “Call memory” options:
Create message • Create an SMS, an MMS or a VMS.
Details • Display the information of the call selected.
Save number • Store the number in your directory.
Delete • Delete the number selected.
Delete all • Delete the entire list.
You can also access the call memory via the “Call services/Call
memory” menu.
3.5 Conference calls
Your phone allows you to talk to 5 people at the same time. When on a
double call: press the key to access the menu and select
“Conference”. The conference tone is heard.
If a third call comes in, answer it by pressing the key and speak with
your new correspondent.
Press the key to access the options menu, select “Add conf.”, and
then confirm by pressing . The new correspondent becomes a
member of the conference.
The “Conf. members” option allows you to disconnect a member of the
conference by selecting “End conference”, or select “Private call” to
have a private call with this member only (other members are put on
Depending on your operator’s network.