IntelliGaze™ Installation & Service Manual Introduction
1 Introduction
This manual targets system integrators and support personnel who require in-depth
knowledge regarding the IntelliGaze™ software and hardware. It is meant to accompany an on-site
training session.
It covers system specifications and general hardware setup aspects as well as software installation
The software reference documents all settings of the IntelliGaze™ software and provides the default
(installation) values for reference.
3rd-party software integration is explained and several cases are documented with their recom-
mended parameters.
Typical troubleshooting cases are mentioned in the last part of this manual.
Please feel very welcome to contact alea technologies with any request or suggestion that has not
been covered in this manual.
For programming references regarding the IntelliGaze™ API, please refer to the
'IntelliGaze™ API
which is available for registered developers.
© alea technologies gmbh, 2015
Version: 3.0