Gaze Assistant IntelliGaze™ Installation & Service Manual
Hotkey Function Comment
Starts the test at the chosen position
Interrupts or ends the test
Select a position to start a scan Very often it's enough to just
test the outer lines ( 1,3,4,6)
9.2.5 Blink Test
The blink test measures the user's blink behavior. During the test the user is supposed to look at the
target and perform a couple of blinks he would use to trigger actions with the eyes. The system will
measure the average blink duration.
The blink test gives a recommendation for the minimum blink duration that should be used by IntelliGaze or a
third party communication software to trigger clicks with eye blinks.
Hotkey Function Comment
Interrupts or ends the test
9.2.6 Calibration
The calibration test allows the user to perform a calibration with the settings that where found in pre-
vious tests. Decide for the number of points, the calibration area and the eye that needs to be cali-
brated according the field of view test.
Version: 3.0
© alea technologies gmbh, 2015