Robustness ValueAdjust this variable according to expected packet loss.If packet loss on the VLAN is expected to be high,the
Robustness Variableshould be increased to accommodate increased packet loss.This entry field allows an
entry of 1 to 255.Default = 2.
Last Member Query IntervalThis field specifies the maximum amount of time between group-specific query messages,including those sent
in response to leave group messages.Default = 1.
Host TimeoutThis is the maximum amount of time in seconds allowed for a host to continue membership in a multicast
group without the Switch receiving a host membership report.Default = 260.
Router TimeoutThis is the maximum amount of time in seconds a route is kept in the forwarding table without receiving a
membership report.Default = 260.
Leave TimerThis specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds between the Switch receiving a leave group message
from a host,and the Switch issuing a group membership query.If no response to the membership query is
received before the
Leave Timerexpires,the (multicast) forwarding entry for that host is deleted.
Querier StateChoose Enabled to enable transmitting IGMP Query packets or Disabled to disable.The default is Disabled.
Querier Router BehaviorThis read-only field describes the behavior of the router for sending query packets.Querier will denote that the
router is sending out IGMP query packets.
Non-Querier will denote that the router is not sending out IGMP
query packets.This field will only read Querier when the Querier State and the Statefields have been
StateSelect Enabled to implement IGMP Snooping.This field is Disabled by default.
Apply to implement the new settings.Click the Show All IGMP Group Entries link to return to the Current IGMP Snooping Group Entries
Static Router Ports
A static router port is a port that has a multicast router attached to it.Generally,this router would have a connection to a WAN or to the Internet.Establishing a
outer port will allow multicast packets coming from the router to be propagated through the network,as well as allowing multicast messages (IGMP) coming
from the network to be propagated to the router.
A router port has the following behavior:
•All IGMP Report packets will be forwarded to the router port.
•IGMP queries (from the router port) will be flooded to all ports.
•All UDP multicast packets will be forwarded to the router port.Because routers do not send IGMP reports or implement IGMP snooping,a multicast
router connected to the router port of a Layer 3 switch would not be able to receive UDP data streams unless the UDP multicast packets were all
forwarded to the router port.
A router port will be dynamically configured when IGMP query packets,RIPv2 multicast,DVMRP multicast or PIM-DM multicast packets are detected flowing
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