To: The receiver should be an email address.
CC: Copy the email to an email address.
BCC: Copy the email as a blind copy to an email address.
Subject: Set the subject of the email.
Priority: Set the priority of the email.
Attachment: Set the attachment.
Content: Edit the content of an email, and the user can add characters
and select the email template.
Select an email, and press the left soft key “Read” to read the mail.
And in the mail screen, press the left soft key to choose from the
following options:
Reply: you can reply email with content to the sender.
Reply without content: you can reply email without content to the sender.
Reply all: you can reply email with content to the sender and all email
address display in CC and BCC bar.
Reply all without content: you can reply email without content to the
sender and all email address display in CC and BCC line.
Forward: Forward this email to other destination.
Mark as unread: mark the email as unread; remind you read the mail next
Mark as deleted: mark the email as deleted.
Delete: Delete this mail.
Save the mails you have sent. Select an email, and press the left soft key
“Read” to read the mail.
And in the mail screen, press the left soft key to choose from the
following options:
Edit: edit this mail.
Mark as deleted: mark the email as deleted, remind you have read the
mail and can delete.
Delete: Delete this mail.