Channel list: Store all the channels that the FM Radio can receive. You get option to edit
Manual input: You can store and register your channel frequency and play it by pressing OK.
Auto search: On selecting this, the FM tries to scan all the available channels provided by
the network. To start the search, make sure that the radio is power ON.
Settings: Under settings, you have options for Background play (ON/OFF), Loud speaker
The FM radio also gives you an option to change the settings through shortcut keys available on the main
window. Use right/left navigation keys to ‘Skip to next channel’ and to ‘skip to previous channel’; use down
navigation key to play/stop FM; use up navigation key to act ivate quick search; use * key and # key to
adjust volume.
6. Services
This menu allows you to access services supplied with your network, such as news, sports, weather, etc.
Please contact your operator for more information.
6.1 STK
The submenu of this feature depends on the operator and different operators may provide different
services (some SIM cards do not support STK). Please contact your operator.
6.2 Internet service
WAP or Wireless Application Protocol browser provides all the basic services of a co mputer based web
browser but is simplified to operate within the restrictions of a mobile phone. The WAP Browser has the
following options: