•It is most important that the wheel and hub/brake drum are dimensionally compatible. This means that the P.C.D., wheel bolts and inset must all
be compatible with both the hub/brake drum and the wheel rim. Particular attention must be paid to the recommended torque figures for the
wheels bolts.
Operation Instructions:
Service brake:
When the towing vehicle is braking or travelling down hill the overrun device shaft is pushed in (dependent on the magnitude of the thrust on the shaft)
and presses on the overrun lever. This acts on the bowden cables an expander mechanism which in turn expands the brake shoes applying the wheel
When the towing vehicle is reversing, the overrun device shaft is pushed in, applying the brakes via the overrun lever, brake rod system, bowden
cables and the expander mechanism. The backwards rotation of the brake drum causes the secondary brake shoe to collapse cancelling out the
braking effect allowing the trailer to move backwards. At the same time the transmission lever swings back and compensates for the entire travel
Parking Brake:
With the gas strut version pull the hand-brake lever over top dead centre. With the spring cylinder version pull the hand-brake lever right up to the last
tooth. The trailer is then braked.
Important note: Please note that with the handbrake fully applied the trailer is able to move backwards by 25cms until the spring cylinder/gas spring
takes effect.
Maintenance and cleaning:
The axels comes fitted with maintenance tree wheel bearings (greased and seled for life) and no adjustment is necessary. Attention: The hub bearing is
not protected against water ingress.
Check wheel brake linings for wear every 10 000 kilometres or every 12 months via the inspection hole (Fig.2/1) Adjust if necessary. Where continuous
travel in hilly regions or high mileage is experienced earlier inspection and adjustment may be necessary.
Caution: All necessary service work should only be carried out by trained personnel in specialist workshops.
Hallo, welche Höhe sollte der Kugelkopf idealerweise beim AMT 2500 340x180x18 haben? Gibt es die Möglichkeit einen Mover bei dem Model anzubauen, wenn möglich welches Modell würde sich dazu eignen? Vielen Dank im Voraus Mit freundlichen Grüßen Gregor Riegel
Eingereicht am 11-1-202314:34
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