Check the wire cables regularly for wear. Removal criteria as per DIN 15020:
E.g. crushing, breakes in the individual wires. Should these cables be damaged, they must be replaced immediately. The winch has already been
lubricated in the works. It is recommended however that the drive shaft bearing bushes and the drum hub be olied regularly. Grease the toothed wheel
rim regularly. Ensure that the crank gear is always lubricated
Do NOT oil or grease the brake mechanism! A competent person must inspect the cable winch at least once a year in accordance with the operating
conditions and the situation in wich it is used. This inspection is required in accordance with the German Accident Prevention Regulations for winches,
Lifting and Pulling Machinery (VGB 8 23)
2.9 Wheel wedges
Use the wheel stops to uncouple the trailer. This will prevent the trailer from moving.
•In the braked version, use the hand brake of the trailer in addition to the wheel stops.
Before placing the wheel stops, check the condition of the base surface on which the wheel stop will be placed. This should be sufficiently sturdy.
Before uncoupling the trailer, first place the wheel stops (depending on the slope of the base surface) in front or behind the tyres (the right and left
tyre). In case of tandem axle versions, select the front or back axle.
•Before coupling the trailer once again, you should also actually first uncouple and then remove the wheel stops on the tyres and store them away
in the holder installed on your trailer for this purpose.
2.10 Ramps with supports
The original aluminium ramps supplied and the ramp support have been developed and tested for a maximum axle load of 1250 kg. For each ramp, the
wheel load is max. 625 kg. An exception are the ramps for the AMT 1500-… The maximum axle load is 700 kg. This means that for each ramp the
wheel load is maximum 350 kg.
The ramps are intended to carry a load of rotating wheels (like vehicles) for loading or unloading cargo on/off the KSX tipper.
Never handle the ramps without protective gloves.
The ramps should not be used as a gangplank because they have a grip profile. There is a danger of falling due to the variation in the surface.
The ramps may be stored in the chassis of the trailer. They can be accessed after opening the sides on the rear of the trailer (if the tailboard is closed).
The operating procedure for the lock is similar to that for opening and closing of the towing locks, described in the chapter MSX - "Winch". Take care
that the ramp does not fall out of the storage location as you push it out with safety gloves.
Always use the handbrake while loading or unloading the trailer.
The ramps are intended to carry a load of rotating wheels (like vehicles) for loading or unloading cargo on the trailer.
Never handle the ramps without protective gloves.
The ramps should not be used as a gangplank because they have a grip profile. There is a danger of falling due to the variation in the surface.
When the ramps are removed, you may close the locking clamp and open the tailboard. Place the ramp properly. Check the following:
Hallo, welche Höhe sollte der Kugelkopf idealerweise beim AMT 2500 340x180x18 haben? Gibt es die Möglichkeit einen Mover bei dem Model anzubauen, wenn möglich welches Modell würde sich dazu eignen? Vielen Dank im Voraus Mit freundlichen Grüßen Gregor Riegel
Eingereicht am 11-1-202314:34
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