The cargo should be properly secured in place. This is to prevent loss and shifting of the cargo during motion. The shifting of the cargo may lead
to a sudden change in the handling characteristics of the vehicles.
•Furthermore, while loading the vehicle on public roads, follow all the applicable regulations (among others, the visibility of the lighting and
maximum length of projecting cargo).
•Check whether it is permissible to drive with the trailer.
•Does the towing vehicle allow driving with the trailer?
•Is the combination in accordance with your Driving Licence?
It is preferable to load and unload your trailer in the coupled condition. If this is not done, check whether the trailer may "topple" (the jockey wheel
lifts off the ground) during loading or unloading.
•Follow the applicable laws concerning what the load may consist of (such as hazardous substances and persons).
While loading the trailer, keep in mind the net loading capacity of the axle(s) and the coupling. Distribute the loading in such a manner over the
loading floor that the correct coupling pressure is achieved. This coupling pressure should never exceed the maximum permissible level, and
should also be in accordance with the possible coupling pressure for the towing vehicle. For the correct information, please contact your (towing)
vehicle supplier, or check the user manual of the towing vehicle.
ATTENTION: The coupling pressure should never be negative (this would mean that the coupling is pulling vertically on the towing
hook ball of the towing vehicle). For the minimum coupling pressure, duly follow the applicable laws and regulations.
ATTENTION: Your trailer is designed, calculated and tested (through a life test) for the loads as mentioned in the documents
relating to your trailer, and for the maximum speed applicable on public roads for a towing vehicle with trailer. The permissible
loads may be found on the construction plate (or the type plate) installed on the trailer. Overloading may lead to permanent
damage to some components. We accept no liability for the same as manufacturers.
3. Mounting the mudgards
For logistique raisons your trailer is being deliverd without mudgards from the factory. In many cases your dealer has already mounted the mudgards
as descriped below. When not you can do it yourself with the fixationmaterials before you go into public roads with your trailer. The holes in the
sideboard are already there so it is not necessary to bore. The example below shows a mudgards from a double axle trailer. For a single axle you can
Hallo, welche Höhe sollte der Kugelkopf idealerweise beim AMT 2500 340x180x18 haben? Gibt es die Möglichkeit einen Mover bei dem Model anzubauen, wenn möglich welches Modell würde sich dazu eignen? Vielen Dank im Voraus Mit freundlichen Grüßen Gregor Riegel
Eingereicht am 11-1-202314:34
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