This Car-Kit contains a rechargeable Li-Polymer battery. First-time charging time is about 4 hours. Later-on recharging time is around 2-3 hours. Detailed
charging procedures as follows:
1. Connect the car charger to the cigarette lighter, or plug the USB cable in PC.
2. Referring to Figure 2, plug the connector of the charger to Car-Kit´s charging port to start charging. Both the Red and Blue LEDs will be on during
charging. Once the Red LED turns off, the battery is fully charged and you should disconnect the charger from the Car-Kit and the power outlet.
Figure: 2 Battery Charging
It is recommended to charge your Car-Kit when it is not in use.
Please note that “inserting” charger will cause a device reset. However, when the Car-Kit is in charging (the charger has been inserted), the Car-Kit is in normal
During a call, the existing connection between the Car-Kit and the mobile phone will be reset after “inserting” the charger. The call will be transferred back to the
mobile phone momentary. The Car-Kit will try to re-establish the connection automatically. Sometimes, the user needs to short-push button
to reconnect the
Battery Information
Once fully charged, the battery supports continuous talk time up to 14 hours and standby (i.e. the device is power on but without connection) time about 25 days.
When the battery is low, the Car-Kit beeps once every 20 seconds and the Blue and Red LEDs alternate every 3 seconds, charge the battery as described
Note: Over-charging will reduce battery life. If a fully charged battery is left unused, it will lose power over If a fully charged battery is left unused, it will lose power
over time. Extreme temperature (either too hot or too cold) will also affect its ability to charge, capacity, and lifetime.
Please recharge your headset or car-kit only if your car stands still. During recharging the headset or car-kit cannot be used.
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