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Halo Reduction Quick Brush A type of Quick Brush adjustment used to remove the blue
and purple fringes that are occasionally produced with certain lenses when the image is
overexposed. See also adjustment, Brush HUD, Quick Brushes.
high definition video Generally refers to video that is 720 progressive scan lines or better,
also known as HD video.
highlights The brightest areas of the subject or scene. See also contrast, density, shadows.
Highlights & Shadows adjustment An adjustment in Aperture used to selectively adjust
the highlights and shadows in an image. See also adjustment, highlights, shadows.
hot shoe An apparatus at the top of a camera designed to hold a portable flash. When
the shutter release button is pressed, an electric signal is transmitted through a connection
in the hot shoe to activate the portable flash. See also external flash, flash.
HUD Short for heads-up display. In Aperture, HUDs are floating windows that allow you
to work on your image. You can open and then move a HUD wherever you wish, based
on your display setup. See also Full Screen view.
hue An attribute of color perception; also known as color phase. For example, red and
blue are different hues. See also Color adjustment.
ICC profile Created as a result of device characterization, the ICC profile contains the
data about the device’s exact gamut. See also device characterization, gamut, International
Color Consortium (ICC).
image An artifact that reproduces the likeness of some subject, usually a physical object
or person, also known as a picture. See also image selection, photograph, picture, subject.
image selection Refers to an image or group of images selected in the Browser or the
Full Screen view filmstrip. A white rectangle surrounding an image indicates it is selected.
See also Browser, Full Screen view, image.
importing The process of bringing digital image files of various types into a project in
Aperture. Imported files can be created in another application, downloaded from a camera
or card reader, or brought in from another Aperture project. See also project.
inkjet printer A type of printer that creates images by spraying little ink droplets onto
the paper. See also dye sublimation, photo printer, print, RA-4.
Inspector HUD A floating window that contains the Library, Metadata, and Adjustments
panes. See also Inspector pane.
Inspector pane An element of the Aperture main window that contains the Library,
Metadata, and Adjustments inspectors. See also Inspector HUD.
890 Glossary

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