Chapter 8 App and book distribution 70
Register for app development
Once you register for the iOS Developer Enterprise Program, you can request a developer
certicate and developer provisioning prole. You use these during development to build and
test your app. The development provisioning prole lets apps signed with your developer
certicate run on registered iOS devices. The ad hoc prole expires after three months and
species which devices (by device ID) can run development builds of your app. Distribute your
developer-signed build and the development provisioning prole to your development team
and app testers.
For more information, see the iOS Developer Enterprise Program website.
Prepare apps for distribution
After you nish development and testing and are ready to deploy your app, you sign your app
using your distribution certicate and package it with a provisioning prole. The designated
Team Agent or the Admin for your program membership creates the certicate and prole at the
iOS Dev Center website.
In iOS 8, provisioning proles are no longer viewable by the user on their iOS device.
Provision in-house apps
The enterprise distribution provisioning prole lets your app be installed on an unlimited
number of iOS devices. You can create an enterprise distribution provisioning prole for a specic
app, or for multiple apps.
Once you have both the enterprise distribution certicate and provisioning prole installed on
your Mac, you use Xcode to sign and build a production version of your app. Your enterprise
distribution certicate is valid for three years, and you can have up to two valid certicates at
one time. When a certicate is ready to expire, you have to sign and build your app again using
a renewed certicate. The provisioning prole for the app is good for one year, so you should
release new provisioning proles annually. For more information, see Provide updated apps.
It’s important that you limit access to your distribution certicate and its private key. Use
Keychain Access on OS X to export and back up these items in .p12 format. If the private key
is lost, it can’t be recovered or downloaded a second time. You should also restrict access
to personnel who are responsible for nal acceptance of the app. Signing an app with the
distribution certicate gives your organization’s seal of approval to the app’s content, function,
and adherence to the Enterprise Developer Agreement licensing terms.
For more information about deploying in-house apps, see Apple’s App distribution guide.
In-house books
iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite bring major enhancements with the introduction of managed
distribution for books. This feature lets you assign books to users using MDM so the books
remain under the control of your organization. PDFs and ePubs you create can be assigned to
users, revoked, and reassigned to dierent users when no longer needed, just like in-house apps.
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