36 Arada Farringdon 16
It is important to periodically monitor the operation of the catalytic combustor to ensure that it is
functioning properly and to determine when it needs to be replaced. A non-functioning combustor will
result in a loss of heating efficiency, and an increase in creosote and emissions.
Following is a list of items that should be checked on a periodic basis:
Combustors should be visually inspected at least three times during the heating season to determine if
physical degradation has occurred. Actual removal of the combustor is not recommended unless more
detailed inspection is warranted because of decreased performance. If any of these conditions exists,
refer to installation section on the catalyst on page 20 of this manual.
This catalytic heater is equipped with a temperature probe to monitor catalyst operation (see page 30).
Properly functioning combustors typically maintain temperatures in excess of 500 °F (260 °C), and often
reach temperatures in excess of 1,000 °F ,(540 °C).
You can get an indication of whether the catalyst is working by comparing the amount of smoke leaving
the chimney when the smoke is going through the combustor and catalyst light-off has been achieved,
to the amount of smoke leaving the chimney when the smoke is not routed through the combustor
(bypass mode).
Step 1, Light stove in accordance with instructions on page 26
Step 2, With smoke routed through the catalyst, go outside and observe the emissions leaving the
Step 3, Engage the bypass mechanism and again observe the emissions leaving the chimney.
Significantly more smoke will be seen when the exhaust is not routed through the combustor
(bypass mode).
Inspection is recommended at least 3 times during the heating season to ensure the catalyst is in good
order. Signs of cracking or blocking of the catalyst will require its replacement, further information can be
found on page 32 of this manual.
Details on checking and replacing can be found on pages 20 and 30 of this manual, pay close attention
to the use of the bypass door described in detail on page 30 of this manual.