E-35 E-34
High resolution a udio sources
Dolby T rueHD Pro vides up to 7.1 full channel a t 96kHz, 24bi t resolu tion, with poten tially no
losses in the comp ressio n process. Data ra tes can be up to 18Mb ps.
Dolby Digital Pl us Pro vides up to 7.1 discrete c hannels o f audio with less co mpr ession than
traditional Dolb y Digital encoding. Data rates ca n be up to 6Mbps.
DTS-HD Master A udi o P rovides u p to 7.1 full channel a t 96kHz, 24bi t resolutio n, with potentially no
losses in the comp ressio n process. Data ra tes can be up to 24.5Mb ps.
For Dolb y Digital sources
Dolby Digital 5.1 e most commo nly used sound forma t for D VD video, and is also the
standard f or US television. Dol by Digital 5.1 sources deli ver sound with ve
discrete full-range ch annels; le, cen tre, right, surro und le, surround righ t,
plus a lo w frequency eects (LFE) channel.
Dolby Digital 5.1 S tereo
Pro vides a stereo do wnmix of the source ma terial for use with headp hones.
Dolby Digital EX is is an extensio n to Dolby Digi tal decoding that pro vides a 6-channel o utpu t
from a 5-cha nnel inp ut. e extra channel i s the centre-surro und channe l (for
which the two surroun d back speakers are used), and is deriv ed from the le
and right surro und channe l informa tion. is decode mode should be used
only when the source ma terial is ‘S urround EX ’ encoded (which is normally
indicated o n the disc packaging and should be detected a utoma tically by the
A V950/A VR750/450/380), but may be used at o ther times if desired.
Dolby Digital 5.1 + Pr o Logic
IIx M ovie
is mode is used to derive info rmation fo r the individual surro und back
channels fr om the surround c hannels, usin g the Pro Logic IIx M ovie decoder .
Dolby Digital 5.1 + Pr o Logic
IIx M usic
is mode is used to derive info rmation fo r the individual surro und back
channels fr om the surround c hannels, usin g the Pro Logic IIx M usic decoder .
e con trols fo r adjusting P ro Logic IIx M usic in ‘ General Setup ’ ca n be used in
this mo de.
For D TS sources
DTS 5.1 Less common tha n the Dolby Digital forma t, but g enerally recognised within
the audio ind ustr y a s being of superior sound q uality . D TS 5.1 delivers
surround soun d with ve full range cha nnels plu s an LFE channel .
DTS 5.1 Stereo Do wnmix Pro vides a stereo do wnmix of the source ma terial for use with headp hones.
DTS-ES 6.1 Ma trix is is a 6.1 chann el forma t based on DTS 5.1. It has the sixth ch annel ma trix
encoded into the surro und le and surro und right chann els. e sixth channel
is a surround cen tre cha nnel and is dir ected to the surround back le and
surround back righ t speakers.
DTS-ES 6.1 Discrete is is a true discrete 6.1 chann el sound forma t (unlike DTS-ES Matrix).
DTS-ES discrete mode operat es only on sour ces with DTS-ES 6.1 discrete
audio encoding.
DTS96/24 Pro vides up to 5.1 cha nnels of a udio at 96kHz, 24b it resol ution fo r superior
sound quality com pared to sta ndard DTS 5.1
Neo:6 m usic mode expands ster eo recordin gs into
the ve or six-c hannel lay out witho ut diminishing
the subtlety and in tegrity of the original ster eo
rec ording.
Multi-channel source modes
Digital multi-cha nnel source ma terial is normally
pro vided as ‘5.1 audio ’ . e ‘5.1 channels ’ com prise
of: le, cen tre and right fro nt speakers, two surro und
speakers and a low fr equency eects (LFE) channel.
Since the LFE channe l is not a full range cha nnel, it is
referred t o as ‘ .1’ .
Surro und systems decode and rep roduce the 5.1
channels dir ectly . Dolb y Digital EX and DTS-ES ma trix
enhanced decoding systems cr eate one extra r ear
channel fro m informa tion buried in the two surro und
signals of the 5.1 source. ese EX and ES enhanced
systems ar e sometimes ref erred to as ‘6.1’ systems. i s
extra surround back c hannel is no rmally reproduced
through two separa te loudspeakers, crea ting a ‘7.1’
DTS-ES discrete is a true ‘6.1’ source, with six discr etely
encoded channels, pl us the ‘ .1’ LFE chann el.
Dolby Digital Pl us, Dolby T rueHD and DTS-HD are
high-resolu tion surround f ormats f ound on Bl u-Ray
Decoding modes
e modes given in the follo wing table ar e available f or
multi-cha nnel digital sources.
Special modes such as DTS-ES 6.1 discrete, Dolb y
Digital Plus, Dolb y T r ueHD a nd DTS-HD are onl y
availab le from the correct source m aterial.
Dolb y vol ume
Dolby V ol ume is a sophistica ted
new technology that resolv es the
prob lem of dier ent vol ume levels
between programme co nten t (e.g. a TV show and adv ert
breaks) and between sour ces (e.g. a rock radio statio n
and DVD , o r between two TV stations). I t lets the
listener en joy everything at the same pr eferred listenin g
level withou t having to r each for the vo lume con trol to
compensa te for the di erent r ecording/o utp ut levels.
is is the V olume Leveller function of Dolb y V olume.
Dolby V ol ume also works in con junction with the
A V950/A VR750/450/380 volume con trol setting t o
compensa te for the ear ’ s changing sensi tivity at di erent
frequencies depending o n how loud the a udio is. I t
is based on a model of ho w human hearin g works. I t
pro perly balances low , mid and high frequencies to
mainta in all the nuances and im pact of the original
audio r egardless o f the actual selected playback volume
level. is is the V olum e Modeller function of Dolb y
Vo l u m e .
Dolby V ol ume measures, an alyses and main tains vol ume
levels based on how people per ceive sound. A va riety of
audio para meters ar e monito red includin g spectral- and
time-based loudness to ensur e that perceiv ed dynamics,
timbre a nd bass performance r emain consis tent a t all
volume l evels.
Dolby V ol ume also lets the listener con trol a
program me ’ s dynamic ra nge – the range between lo ud
and quiet sound s. For exa mple, wi th the volume turned
down fo r late-night viewing, dyna mic range ca n be
adjus ted so that speech remains c lear and loud e ects or
music passag es retain their impact witho ut waking up
t h e f a m i l y.
Dolby V ol ume can be appli ed to any a nalogue or digital
stereo sour ce or an y digital multi-cha nnel source. It i s
not a vailab le in Stereo Dir ect or on the an alogue multi-
channel in put. Dolby V olume ca n even be applied to
processin g of stereo signals (e.g. PLII M usic) o r when
down-mixing a digital m ulti-channel so urce (e.g. Dolby
Digital 5.1 down to ster eo).
Dolby V ol ume can be enabled and co ngured separatel y
for each a udio inp ut in the In put Cong men u. e
default is ‘ O ’ f or ‘ audiophile ’ listening. Y ou ma y wish
to turn Dolby V ol ume ‘ On ’ for TV and movie sources
to main tain the same perceived o verall listening level
between sources and freque ncy response regar dless of
the volume settin g. Most o f the contro lling parameters
of Dolb y V olume are a uto matic as they ar e dependent
on analysi s of the audio signal and the v olume setting
of the A V950/A VR750/450/380. Ho wever , the V ol ume
Leveller and Calibratio n Oset contro ls (see below) can
be adjusted to y our pr eference.
V olume Lev eller
e V olume Leveller function of Dolb y V olume con trols
how closely q uiet and loud sour ces and pr ogramme
cont ent ar e match ed to each other , based on the
ear’ s perception o f loudness. e ra nge of val ues is 0
(minimal levelling) to 10 (maxim um levelling). e
default setting i s 2. If the V olume Leveller function
is turned o, no leve l matchin g between sources and
program me material is performed. is is n ot the
same as turning Dolb y V olume o as volume r elated
frequency response p rocessing is still active.
When Dolb y V olume is being a pplied to the curren t
inpu t, a Dolby V ol ume processing m ode indicator is
shown o n the OSD and the fron t panel disp lay .
Calibra tion Offset
e Calibratio n Oset parameter of Dolb y V olume
allowsyout ocompensa teforspeakerecienciesa nd
listening positio n – eectively mo ving the refer ence
listening level u p or down the v olume scale. e defaul t
value is 0 and this sho uld normally pr oduce a good
result when the A V950/A VR750/450/380 speaker levels
are set using a soun d pressur e level meter a t the listening
position (75dB SPL, ‘ C’ weigh ting, slow re sponse).