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(Yen iI tKe applianceV are maGe in conIormit\ ZitK tKe (Xropean reJXlator\ Vpeci¿cationV in Iorce anG tKere-
Iore all potentiall\ Ka]arGoXV partV are protecteG &areIXll\ reaG tKeVe ZarninJV anG XVe tKe appliance onl\
Ior tKe XVe it iV GeViJneG Ior in orGer to preYent acciG
entV anG GamaJe .eep tKiV manXal cloVe b\ Ior IXtXre
conVXltation ,I \oX VKoXlG GeciGe to JiYe tKiV appliance to otKer people remember to alVo inclXGe tKeVe
7Ke inIormation proYiGeG in tKiV manXal iV marNeG ZitK
tKe IolloZinJ V\mbolV inGicatinJ
'anJer Ior cKilGren :arninJ oI bXrnV
'anJer GXe to electricit\
:arninJ ± material GamaJe
'anJer oI GamaJe oriJinatinJ Irom otKer caXVeV
<oX can XVe \oXr macKine to prepare coIIee 7KiV appliance iV GeViJneG onl\ Ior priYate XVe anG iV tKereIore
to be conViGereG XnVXitable Ior commercial or inGXVtrial pXrpoVeV
1o otKer XVe oI tKe macKine iV contemplateG b\ tKe manXIactXrer ZKicK iV e[
empt Irom an\ liabilit\ Ior all
t\peV oI GamaJeV caXVeG b\ improper XVe oI tKe macKine ,mproper XVe alVo reVXltV in an\ Iorm oI Zarrant\
beinJ IorIeiteG
7Ke conVtrXction cKaracteriVticV oI tKe appliance tKiV pXblication reIerV to Go not alloZ tKe XVer to be protecteG
Irom itV Kot VXrIaceV
'anJer oI bXrnV *raVp tKe appliance b\ itV KanGle
7Kere iV a GanJer oI bXrnV caXVeV b\ VTXirtV oI Kot Zater anG Vteam tKat miJKt come oXt oI tKe GiV-
penVinJ KoleV
8Ve tKe appliance onl\ ZitK tKe poZer VXppl\ baVe pro
YiGeG 'o not XVe tKe appliance on cooNerV or
cooNinJ topV tXrneG on
7KiV appliance iV GeViJneG onl\ Ior priYate XVe anG iV tKereIore to be conViGereG
XnVXitable Ior commercial or inGXVtrial pXrpoVeV
:e Gecline an\ reVponVibilit\ reVXltinJ Irom miVXVe or an\ XVe otKer tKan tKoVe
coYereG in tKiV boo
:e VXJJeVt \oX Neep tKe oriJinal bo[ anG pacNaJinJ aV oXr Iree-oI-cKarJe VerY-
ice GoeV not coYer an\ GamaJe reVXltinJ Irom inaGeTXate pacNaJinJ oI tKe proG-
Xct ZKen tKiV iV Vent bacN to an $XtKoriVe
G 6erYice &entre
7Ke appliance complieV ZitK 5eJXlation (& 1o  oI  on tKe
materialV in contact ZitK IooG
Danger for children
7Ke appliance can be XVeG b\ cKilGren aJeG \earV anG Xp onl\ iI tKe\ are
monitoreG b\ a reVponVible perVon or iI tKe\ KaYe receiYeG inVtrXctionV reJarGinJ
tKe appliance VaIe XVe anG iI tKe\ KaYe XnGerVtooG t
Ke GanJerV ZKicK ma\ ariVe

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