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Four-cups coffee
)ill the boiler G halIZa\ Zith Zater )ig  remaining XnGer the saIet\ YalYe / Place the si[-cXps IXnnel
¿lter ) insiGe the boiler 7o prepare IoXr-cXps coIIee pXt the aGaptor Gisc . insiGe the si[-cXps IXnnel ¿lter
)ig  )olloZ the instrXctions in the paragraph ³+oZ to maNe coIIee´
Auto-off function
,I the machine is tXrneG on bXt not in Xse the aXto-oII IXnction operates aIter aboXt  minXtes 7his IXnction
pXts the machine in stanGb\ 7he inGicator light oI the 212)) bXtton , is oII 7o tXrn on the machine again
press the 212)) bXtton , to retXrn it in position anG then press it to set it in position )ig  $t this point
the inGicator light oI the 212)) bXtton lights Xp anG the machine Zill be in operation again
$ll cleaning operations GescribeG beloZ mXst be perIormeG Zith the machine oII anG Zith the electric
plXg GisconnecteG Irom the socNet-oXtlet
5egXlar maintenance anG cleaning preserYe anG Neep the machine eI¿cient Ior a longer amoXnt oI
time 1eYer Zash machine components in the GishZasher Do not Xse Girect Mets oI Zater 1eYer pXt
the boiler G or poZer sXppl\ base + in contact Zith Zater
$ll operations mXst be perIormeG Zhen the machine is colG
7he boiler G anG poZer sXppl\ base + can be cleaneG Zith a Gamp cloth Do not Xse abrasiYe Getergents
or metallic Xtensils
:hen \oX remoYe the seal ( anG Gisc ¿lter D Ior cleaning or replacement maNe sXre \oX correctl\ pXt
them bacN in place so as to preYent splashes or spXrts oI hot Zater &hecN that the holes oI the G
isc ¿lter are
not cloggeG anG iI so clean them Zith a small brXsh )ig 
:hen the seal anG Gisc ¿lter shoZ signs oI Zear or Geterioration the\ haYe to be replaceG 8se original spare
parts that can be pXrchaseG at aXthoriseG serYice centres
$ la\er oI lime ma\ Iorm on the bottom oI the boiler oYer time aIter nXmeroXs pots oI coIIee haYe been maGe
this ma\ leaG to a longer percolation time 7o remeG\ this problem it is necessar\ to perioGicall\ eliminate this
la\er oI lime Zith a Gescaling process
8se proprietar\ coIIee machine Gescaling proGXcts IoXnG on the marNet citric aciG Ior e[ample
)olloZ these Girections to Gescale
0aNe s
Xre the coIIee machine is colG anG XnscreZ it
)ill the boiler Zith the Gescaling proGXct anG Zait halI an hoXr
0aNe sXre the interior oI the boiler is thoroXghl\ clean
The operation must be carried out with the boiler cold and not inserted in the base.
$Iter halI an hoXr has elapseG empt\ the boiler anG maNe sXre \oX haYe remoYeG the lime Irom the bottom
then rinse the interior oI the boiler Do not immerse the boiler in Zater
0aNe at least pots oI coIIee to throZ aZa\
7he manXIact
Xrer Geclines all responsibilit\ Ior malIXnctioning iI the operation GescribeG has not been carrieG
,I the machine is pXt oXt oI serYice electricall\ Gisconnect it &Xt the poZer corG ,n the case oI scrapping \oX
mXst separate the YarioXs materials XseG in maNing the machine anG Gispose oI them baseG on their composi-
tion anG on the legal proYisions in Iorce in the coXntr\ oI Xse

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