Patch Chg: the switch will send a pre-defined program change command,
complete with the Bank MSB and LSB.
Relative Control: the encoders will send relative increment/decrement values. Be
aware, though, that relative control modes are supported in some software
applications and not in others.
RPN/NRPN: the control will transmit Registered Parameter Number or Non-
Registered Parameter Number messages. The target parameter is defined by the
Max/MSB and Min/LSB parameters. Refer to the documentation of the receiving
device for information about how to address specific parameters.
For most of the above options you will move from selecting the Mode for the control
(button 6) to defining its MIDI channel (button 7), selecting its MIDI CC# (button 8),
and defining its minimum and maximum ranges (buttons 9 and 10, respectively).
3.7 MIDI Ch
Defines the MIDI channel on which the selected control will transmit its data:
1-16: always send the data on a fixed MIDI channel number as opposed to one
that might change, such as Lwr or Upr. Read on…
Lwr: send the data on the current lower channel.
Upr: send the data on the current upper channel.
Pnl: send the data on either the upper or lower channel, as determined by the
status of the “Panel” buttons.
All: sends the data on both the upper and lower channels.
3.8 CC
Allows you to specify the exact value for the selected control:
For a pad or button in Note mode, this is the MIDI note number it will send.
If the transport buttons are in MMC mode, this determines which command will
be transmitted.
For an encoder or fader in NRPN/RPN mode, this is the parameter number that
will be sent to the target device when the control is activated.
For a switch in Patch Chg mode, this defines the program change number.
3.9 Min LSB
This parameter serves various functions depending on the selected control and its mode:
For a knob, pad or fader in Ctrl mode, this is the minimum value it will send.
For a knob or fader in NRPN/RPN mode, contains the NRPN/RPN controller
number LSB (Least Significant Byte).
For a switch in Control mode, this holds the value sent upon release.