4.5 Using the Pads (KeyLab 49/61/88)
With Analog Lab active and a Sound selected, play one of the KeyLab pads. You will hear
a note or chord played on the selected synthesizer. The exact chord can be defined
inside Analog Lab by clicking on the blue tab on the right side of the virtual keyboard
(the one labeled CHORDS). A virtual panel will slide out to the left and allow you to
specify a different chord per pad.
4.6 Using the Snapshots
When a Snapshot button is pressed, the KeyLab will select either a new Sound or a new
Multi, depending on which item you place there.
The exact preset chosen by these buttons is defined inside Analog Lab by clicking on the
blue tab on the left side of the virtual keyboard (the one labeled SNAPSHOTS). A virtual
panel will slide out to the right and allow access to the settings for the Snapshot buttons.
Simply click and drag a Sound or a Multi and drop it onto one of the buttons. Then grab
another and drop it onto the next button, and so on.
An alternate (and very quick) method of assigning an item to a Snapshot button is to
press and hold the desired button on the KeyLab for a little over 1 second.
Whichever method you use, before you know it your most inspiring sounds will be at
your fingertips and instantly accessible.
Note: In the picture above, a letter “S” before a name indicates that a Sound will be
selected by that Snapshot. A letter “M” before the preset name means a Multi is there.