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Page 6
arrow pointing upwards = rising atmospheric pres sure
arrow pointing downwards = falling atmospheric pressure
After setting the basics, it takes approximately 12 to 24 hours before you
receive a useful weather forecast.
4.6.3 Technical data for atmospheric pressure
Range of measurement: 950 to 1,050 hPa
Interval of measurement: every hour
Resolution: 1 hPa
Accuracy: +/-5 hPa
4.7 Light
By pressing the LIGHT/SNOOZE key the display will be lit for
approximately 5 seconds so that you can read the display on your base
station in the dark. It is not pos sible to have a continuous light on th e
display. Please note, however, that more power is required to light the
display which can result in shorter batter y life.
5 Assembly
The base station can either b e fixed to a wall by means of a wall fixing
kit on the back or be positioned on its stand. The external sensor all has a
wall fixing kit on the back and a retracta bl e stan d.
6 Change battery display and changing the
6.1 Base station
6.1.1 Change battery display
Weak batteries in the base sta tion are indicated by the change battery
display. A battery symbol appears on the display on the right next to th e
internal humidity display. This will only appear however when the
batteries are low.
Change battery display on the base station
6.1.2 Changing the batteries
Open the battery compartment on the back of the housing. Insert
batteries (two x 1.5v AA batteries) correctly (note +/- polarity) and clos e
the battery compartm ent with the cover again.
In the event that after changing the batteries the external tem perature and
external humidity are not displayed on the base station, you should
remove the batteries from the ext ernal sensor as well and re-insert them .
In addition, you can press the TX ke y on the back of the external sensor
to transmit the transmission signal manually. We r ecommend that you do
not use recharg eable batteries but use norm al batteries in the Weather
Tip: When the batteries are changed, the stored data wi ll be lost. You
must re-set the city and country data for sunrise, sunset, moonrise,
moonset and the atmospheric pres sure.
6.2 External sensor
6.2.1 Change battery display
Weak batteries in the external sensor are indicate d by the change battery
display. A battery symbol appears on the display on the base station on
the right next to the external humidity display. It will only appear
however when the batteries are low. The change battery display on the
base station for the external sensor will be shown only for the currently
selected channel (= external sens or).
Change battery display on the base station for the external sensor
In addition, if a battery is low this can be seen on the change battery
display on the external sensor.
Change battery display – external sensor
6.2.2 Changing the batteries
Open the battery compartm ent on the back of the external sensor with a
small screwdriver. First push the retractable stand in the direction of the
arrow so that you can remove the battery compartment cov er. Insert
batteries (two x 1.5v AAA batteries) correctly (note +/- polarity) and
close the batter y compartment with the cov er again.
When changing the batteries take care not to get the battery compartment
cover seal jammed and not to lose it.
7 Declaration of conformity
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
Summary of the declaration o f conformity: Krippl-Watches hereby
declares that the Weather Station (item no. AUK-WS-12) conforms with
the basic requirements and other relevant conditions of the Guideline
8 Troubleshooting
Before you make a complaint about the devic e, first please check the
batteries and if necessary replac e with new on es.
If the external temperature / humidity is not displayed on the base stat ion
If the external sensor no longer registers, this may be for one of the
following reasons:
- The batteries on the external sen sor and/or the base station are
too weak. Replace the old batt eries. Never use old and new
batteries together and proceed with the re-r egistration of the
sensor as described in point 4, Putting the device into
- The external sensor reception is i nterrupted by obstructions, as
removal of obstructions is often not possible (e.g. thermopane
glazing, walls with steel reinforcements or certain concr ete
compositions, steel be arers). Please reduce the dist ance
between the external sensor and the base station o r use a sensor
extension cable ( not included in the deliver y).
- If by mistake the first external sens or registers on the second
channel or the second external sensor registers on the third
channel, remove the batteries, check th e relevant setting of the
channel selector on the back of the ex ternal sensor (channel 1,2
or 3) and insert the batteries again.
- Two different external sensors alternately display the
temperature on one chann el: Remove the batteries from both
external sensors, check the rel evant setting of the channel
selector on the back of the senso r (channel 1,2 or 3) and insert
the batteries again. Ev ery time the external sensors are put
into operation again, the in ternal transmission signal is
changed (recoded)
- When external temperatures are below 0°C, the battery
performance can diminish and radio transmission can weaken.
In this event, reduce the dist ance between the external sensor
and the base station.
- If the display o n the base station is not showing the external
temperature and the external hu midity, but only ‘- - -.-’, this
could be caused by the batteries in the base station being too
weak and therefore unable to receive th e signals from the
external sensor. Ex change the batteries for new ones .
Interruptions to reception c an also be caused by other
household equipment, TV and radio remote controls, jamming
transmitters or other external transmitters. Also in this case
only ‘- - - - or HHH or LLL” can be seen on the display. In
this event, hold the CHANNEL key down for approximately 5
seconds until you hear a signal t one. Wait a short time. After
the external sensor’s next transmission signal the current
external temperature and external humidity should be
displayed again.
Weak batteries in the base statio n
Replace the batteries as soon as the change battery sy mbol is displayed.
Wait for approximately 30 minutes before inser ting the new batteries. Do
not touch the battery contacts when inserting the batteries. This reduces
the corrosion stability of the contacts and ex tends the life of the batteries.
When inserting the new batteries always observe the polarity is correct.
After changing the batteries proc eed as described in point 4, Putting the
device into oper ation.
Weak batteries in the external sensor
Replace the batteries as soon as the change battery symbol is displayed
(appears on the external sensor and the base station). When inserting the
new batteries always observe t he polarity is correct. Afterw ards the
external sensor must be re-registered . Proceed as described in point 4,
Putting the device into operation.
Temperature tolerance
The base statio n and the external sensor have sensors which work
independently of one another.
External sensor temperature toler ance: +/- 1°C
Base station temperature tolerance: +/- 1°C
It is therefore possible that 2 external sensors positioned next to each
other (and/or base station and external sensor) show a temperatur e
difference of 2°C.) In the case of marked tem perature fluctuations, the
difference can be slightly higher as the ex ternal sensor does not transmit
Incorrect temperature displa y
The temperature displa y will be affected by direct sunlight. Please
position the external sensor so that it is exposed to actual weather
fluctuations, i.e. not indoors for example or in a summerhouse in the
Humidity t o lerance
The base statio n and the external sensor have sensors which work
independently of one another.
External sensor humidity tolerance: +/- 10%
Base station humidity tolerance: +/- 10%
(each related to medium humidity)
It is therefore possible that 2 external sensors positioned next to each
other (and/or base station and external sen sor) show a humidity
difference of 20%.) In the case of marked humidity fluctuations, the
difference can be slightly higher as the ex ternal sensor does not transmit
Humidity di spl ay perman e ntly 20%
If the humidity display permanently shows 20%, then the humidity is
below the measurable range or is 20%. Air surges can remed y th is.
Frequent air surges can cause higher humidity. Above all, in winter
humidity in livin g rooms is very low.
The radio clock is not receiving a radio signal
In the event that the radio clock is not receiving a signal, please try again
in a different locat ion. The reception of the radio clock s ignal can be
obstructed by structural or natural obstructions ( e.g. mountains) or it can
be impossible to receive a signal . The device has a quartz clock for this
event, which can then be used instead (see point 5.1.2, Manual settings)
Electro-magnetic or atmospheric interruptions can also obstruct the radio
clock signal. These interruptions can be remedied usually just by moving
to a different loc ation.
Electro-magnetic interf erence
If possible, do not place the base station or the extern al sensor near to
computers, printers, television sets, mobile telephones or radios as
devices with strong EMC rays and other radio stations can interrupt or
prevent radio reception.
Times for sunrise, sunset and moonrise and moonset are not correct
Please note that in the summer time phase, it is not absolutely necessar y
to receive a daily radio clock s ignal. If this is not the case, then it is
possible that there is a deviatio n of an hour for the rising and setting
times of the sun and moon (the difference between summer and
wintertime). (For help, see point 9, Troubleshooting ‘The radio clock is
not receiving a radio clock signal”).