- see also Advanced camera features 64
Social Hotspot
- creating 52
- joining 53
- using 52
- viewing shared photos in Gallery app 55
Social networking
- syncing 46
Sound Recorder 119
Splendid 122
- Reading Mode 123
- Vivid Mode 122
Storage 126
SuperNote 88
- creating a notebook 89
- icons 88
- sharing a notebook on the cloud 89
- sharing a note to the cloud 89
- updating 126
System notications 33
Time lapse 69
- see also Advanced camera features 64
Time Rewind 64
- see also Advanced camera features 64
VIPs 42
- adding an event 43
- see also What’s Next 80
- setting up from the contact’s screen 42
- setting up from the VIP screen 42
Wallpapers 29
- animated wallpaper 30
- wallpaper and background tint 29
Weather 102
- launching 102
- see also What’s Next 80
- Weather home screen 103
WebStorage 91
What’s Next 80
- accepting or declining invites 81
- displaying the 7-day weather forecast 85
- getting event reminders 80
- getting the weather updates 84
- see also Weather 102
- see also Calendar 78
- see also Email 76
- see also Event-related alerts 82
Widgets 28
- adding 28
- removing 28
Wi-Fi 98
- connecting 99
- disabling 99
- enabling 98
ZenLink 107
- see Party Link 107
- see PC Link 111
- see Remote Link 113
- see Share Link 109
Zen UI 16