Advanced camera features 69
All Smiles
- see also Advanced camera features 69
App shortcuts
- adding 25
- removing 25
ASUS Phone 8
- charging 13
- parts and features 8
Backup and reset 89
- see also Advanced camera features 69
block list 62
- blocking 62
- unblocking 62
Bluetooth 75
- enabling 75
- pairing 76
- see also Bluetooth Tethering 78
- unpairing 76
Bluetooth Tethering 78
- see also Tethering 77
Calculator 84
Call logs 56
- redial your last-called number 57
- saving calls to Contacts 56
Calls 54
- answering 56
- calling from Contacts 55
- calling your favorite contacts 56
- dialing a phone number 54
- launching the Phone app 54
- other call options 57
- receiving 56
- recording 58
- see also Contacts 59
- see Call logs 56
- see Extension number 54
- see Multiple calls 58
- see Smart Dialing 55
Camera 67
- launching 67
- see Advanced camera features 69
Chrome 44
- bookmarking pages 45
- clearing the browser cache 45
- launching 44
- sharing pages 45
Clock 81
- alarm clock 81
- launching 81
- stopwatch 82
- timer 83
- world clock 82
Cloud 50
Contacts 59
- adding 59
- adding an extension number 60
- contacts settings 59
- customizing your contact’s prole 60
- exporting 61
- importing 61
- see also Block list 62
- see also Social networking 62
- setting up your prole 59
Date and time 32
- setting up 32
Depth of eld
- see also Advanced camera features 69
Dual SIM feature 52
- assigning 53
- renaming 52
Easy Mode 27
- adding contacts 29
- adding shortcuts 28
- disabling 29
- enabling 27, 30
- removing contacts 29
- removing shortcuts 28
Extension number 54
- auto dialing 55
- conrmation prompt 54
- dialing 54
Face Unlock 39
Favorite contacts 56
- calling 56
File Manager 49
- accessing the internal storage 49
Fingerprint 35
- setting up ngerprint ID from Settings 36,