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the result
The food rises well and becomes nicely
b r o w n e d .
Food is thoroughly cooked through at
the bottom.
The food browns and has a crisp crust.
You can select the maxi grill or the
standard grill.
Use the maxi grill for large quantities,
for example a full rack.
Use the standard grill for normal
quantities and when grilling on the
rotary spit.
how the function works
The food is heated by radiant heat
from the top and bottom elements.
Because the heat is coming from both
the top and the bottom, the position of
the food in the oven is important. As a
rule, the centre of the dish should be
in the centre of the oven.
Turn the control to bottom heat at the
end of the cooking process. There is
no need to adjust the temperature.
The food will then be heated mainly
by the bottom element.
The food is heated by radiant heat
from the combined grill/oven element.
The thermostat also regulates the grill.
The element will therefore not be on
constantly, but will glow red from time
to time.
the options your oven off e r s
c o n v e n t i o n a l
For cooking food in the conventional way.
Never open the oven door at the beginning
of the cooking process since this can cause
bread, cakes etc. to sink.
bottom heat only
This setting is recommended for dishes that
require thorough cooking at the bottom.
g r i l l
For grilling and browning food, with or
without the rotary spit.