min./ pre-selected/ max.
180°C/ 275°C /275°C
min./ pre-selected/ max.
35°C/ 240°C /275°C
min./ pre-selected/ max.
35°C/ 80°C /100°C
Parts of the oven
in operation
WWhheenn iinn uussee tthhee oovveenn ggeettss hhoott..
DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh aannyy hheeaattiinngg eelleemmeenntt iinnssiiddee tthhee oovveenn.. YYoouunngg cchhiillddrreenn sshhoouulldd bbee kkeepptt wweellll aawwaayy..
Description of feature
This mode allows for rapid heating. Certain dishes
may be placed directly into a cold oven.For meat
and fish, (place preferably in an earthenware dish),
and for tarts and pizzas.For cooking on several
This mode combines the fan and grill effect alter-
nately: the grill directs infrared heat onto the food
and the movement of the air created by the fan
reduces the effect of this.For searing red and white
meat, and for cooking it through and through.For
gently cooking poultry up to 1.7 kilos in weight.
This mode combines heat sources in the top and
bottom of the oven.
- It is ideal for slow and delicate cooking.
- For juicy game
- For allowing small dishes to simmer
- For successfully baking bread
The food is kept warm by the fan which blows
heated air around the dish.
- To make dough rise (temperature set at mini-
- To warm plates, or to keep a dish warm.
The double grill covers the entire surface of the
oven shelf.
- Preheat for five minutes.
- For grilling thinly sliced meat
- Slices of bread
- Slide the dripping pan on to the first runner level
to catch the juices.
This mode combines the heat source in the base
of the oven and the fan to move the air around.For
"damp" dishes (such as quiches, juicy fruit tarts,
etc.).For recipes which need to rise (cakes, brio-
ches, kuglof, soufflés, etc.).
This mode makes it possible for you to save ener-
gy while at the same time guaranteeing high-qua-
lity cooking. The ECO position is used for the
energy label.Note: all dishes are cooked without
different cooking methods
description of features
Rapid heating. Certain dishes may be placed
directly into a cold oven.Recommended to keep
white meat, fish and vegetables succulent and
juicy.For cooking multiple dishes on up to three