WARNING: This device is notintended foruseby persons(including children) with physical,sensory or mental disability, or bypersons lacking experienceor knowledge,unless
they have received from a person in charge of their safety adequate supervision or preliminary instructions on how to use the device. Care must be taken at all times to keep
children from playing with the device.
Important: Theapplicable national standards must be observed when installing the water heater. Ifyou judge thatyou do not have sufficient expert knowledge to install
this product correctly, you are advised to consult a professional.
Caution: Heavy items – handle with care.
1°) Install the appliancein a room which is protected fromfrost
. Ifthe appliance is damagedbecause thesafetydevice has beenclogged, itisnot covered bythe guarantee.
2°) Make sure that the wall onwhich theapplianceis mounted cansupport the weight ofthe appliance whenfilled with water.
3°) Iftheapplianceis to be fitted in aroom or location where theambient temperature is higher than 35°C, ventilationmust be provided inthe room.
4°) When installed ina bathroom, do not install theappliance in volumes V0 andV1 (see fig 1).If thewater heater is tobe installed abovehabitablerooms, fit a retaining tank with
drainage to the sewerage system.
5°) Position the appliancewhere it can be accessed.
(S3) andSQUARE CERAMIC (S4) (seefig3).
To enable the heating element to be replaced, leave free space below the ends of the tubes of the appliance.
Allwatersupply pipesmustbethoroughly cleanedbeforeconnection.Theconnectiontothehotwateroutlet must bemade using abimetallicnippleora plastic dielectric union in
order to avoid corrosionof the tubes (dueto direct contact betweeniron and copper). Abrass union must not be used.
protected from frost. No water accessory must be located between the safety device and the cold water inlet to the appliance. A pressure reducer (not supplied) isrequired when the
water supply pressure exceeds 5 bars. Connect the safety device to an outlet pipe to drain off the heat-expanded water or to allow for drainage of the water heater. Pipes usedmust
be capable of withstanding a temperatureof 100 °C and apressure of10bar (see fig 5/6 according to model).
VENTEDINSTALLATION (S315/30/50 l):(Supply fora single water drawingpoint). The installationmust be equipped with a specialmixertap (not supplied).
Attention: each timetheunit heats up, waterwill flow from thetap. Donot block this flow.(seefig7)
If using PER pipes, we strongly recommend that a thermostatic regulator be fitted to the water heater outlet. It will be set according to the performances ofthe equipment used.
ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS(table of diagrams; Refer to therelevant diagrams)
switch.) If theductsare madeofinsulatingmaterial, the electricalcontacts must beprotectedby a30mAearth-leakage breaker conforming totheapplicable standards.Adapt the
connection tothepower supply (see diagrams and table). Before removingthe cover, switch offthe power.
Attention: Ifthe circuit breaker keeps tripping. a) Switch off the power before taking any further action, b) Remove the cover, c) Check the electrical connections,d)
Reset the thermal circuit breaker. If the circuit breaker continues to trip, replace the thermostat. Never by-pass the safety device or the thermostat. Connect the power
supply only via the terminal.
ATTENTION : Never switch the water heater on without it being filled with water. Before switching on, open the hotwater taps,bleedthe pipes until noair ispresentand fill
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