Autovision AV 63L manual EN 01 Not Final
y-built records on memo
、Fonts Settings
fonts can be showed in default. Besides, uses could copy required fonts into
fonts folder to install new fonts. Shut down and power on, then newly installed fonts
could be displayed on fonts settings
、Date and Time Settings
Revise year, month, date, hour and min by this function. Press left and right
navigation keys to adjust values after selecting the items. Press back key to save and
12 hours system and 24 hous system are optional.
Ebook will connect network and synchronize network time when select
、Standy by time settings
Choose standy by time ,1 mins .3 mins, 5 mins, 10 mins
、Standby Pictures Settings
Set standby pictures by this option. Default pictures can be selected singly or in
duplicate. After setting standby pictures on browsing interface, all the set pictures will
be listed below, which can be optional. Users could also click Select All to choose all
the standby pictures, which will change in turn when each stand
by time。
For screen refresh settings, alarm settings and restore factory