Copyr ight 2005, Av aya In c.
All Rights Reserved
Every effor t was made to ensure that the info rmation in this docume nt
was complet e and accu rate at the time o f printing. Howeve r , information
is subjec t to change .
W arranty
Avaya Inc. pr ovides a l imited warr anty on this produ ct. Refer to your
sales agre ement to e stablish the ter ms of the lim ited warra nty . In
additio n, Avaya’s standard w arranty langua ge as wel l as informa tion
regardi ng suppo rt for thi s produ ct, while under wa rranty , is ava ilable
through the following Web site: pport
Prevent ing T oll Fraud
“T oll fraud” is the unauth orized use of your tele communicat ions system
by an unauthor ized party (for exampl e, a perso n who is n ot a corpo rate
employ ee, agent , subcontra ctor, or is not worki ng on yo ur company's
behalf ). Be awa re that th ere may be a risk o f toll fraud associate d with
your system and t hat, if tol l fraud occu rs, it can re sult in su bstantial
additio nal char ges for you r telecomm unicatio ns service s.
Avaya Fraud Int ervent ion
If you susp ect that you are b eing victim ized by toll fraud an d you nee d
technic al assistance or sup port, in th e United States and Canada , call the
T e chnical Ser vice Ce nter's T o ll Frau d Interven tion Hotlin e at
1-800-6 43-23 53.
Disclaim er
Avaya is not r esponsib le for any modificat ions, ad ditions or de letions to
the origi nal publ ished vers ion of th is docum entation unl ess such
modifica tions, addi tions or d eletions were perfo rmed by Ava ya. Custo mer
and/or E nd User a gree to i ndemnify and hold ha rmless Avaya, Avaya's
agents, s ervants and e mployees ag ainst all claims, lawsuits, dem ands
and ju dgments arisi ng out o f, or in connection w ith, subse quent
modifica tions, addi tions or d eletions to this docu mentation to the exte nt
made b y the Cust omer or End U ser .
How to G et Help
For add itional sup port tel ephone n umbers, g o to the Avaya support Web
site: http:/ /www .avaya.c om/suppor t
. If you ar e:
• Within th e United S tates, click th e Escalati on Contacts link
that is located und er the Suppor t T ools heading. Then click
the appr opriate link for the type of support th at you nee d.
• Outside the United S tates, click the E scalation Con tacts link
that is located und er the Suppor t T ools heading. Then click
the Inter nationa l Serv ices link tha t include s telephone
numbers for the internati onal C enters of Exce llenc e.
Provi ding Telecommun icatio ns Sec urity
T e lecommuni cations secu rity (of voice, da ta, and/or vid eo
communica tions) is the pre vention of any type of intrusion to (that i s,
either unauthor ized or ma licious access to or use of) you r company's
telecommu nications equipm ent by som e party .
Y our company's “teleco mmunica tions equipm ent” in cludes both this
Avaya prod uct and an y other voic e/data/vi deo equipm ent that c ould be
accesse d via this Avaya produ ct (that i s, “networke d equi pment”).
An “ou tside party” is a nyone w ho is no t a corpor ate employ ee, age nt,
subcontra ctor, or is not workin g on your company's beh alf. Wher eas, a
“malici ous party” is anyone (includin g someon e who m ay be othe rwise
authoriz ed) who accesses y our telecom munica tions equ ipment wi th
either malicious or misch ievous inten t.
Such intr usions may be eithe r to/throu gh synchro nous (time -multiple xed
and/or cir cuit-ba sed) or asy nchronous (chara cter-, me ssage-, or
pac ket- base d) eq uipm ent or inte rfaces for re ason s of:
• Utilization (of capabilities sp ecial to the accessed eq uipment)
• Theft (such a s, of inte llectual property , finan cial assets, or toll
facility access)
• Eavesdr opping (pri vacy invasions to humans )
• Mischief (troubl ing, but ap parently i nnocuou s, tamperi ng)
• Harm (such as ha rmful tamp ering, data loss or al teration ,
regardl ess of motive or intent )
Be awar e that ther e may be a risk of unauthor ized intru sions ass ociated
with you r system an d/or its ne tworked equ ipment . Also rea lize that, if
such an int rusion should oc cur , it could res ult in a variety of losses to your
company (i ncluding but not lim ited to, human/da ta privacy, intellectual
propert y , material ass ets, financi al resour ces, labo r costs, an d/or legal
Responsib ility for Your Company’ s T elecomm unication s Security
The final respon sibility for securing both t his system and its networked
equipmen t rests with you - Avaya’s customer system admi nistrator, your
telecommunication s peers, and your ma nagers. Base the fu lfillment of
your responsibility o n acquired knowledge a nd resources from a variety
of sources including but not limited to:
• Ins tal lati on doc umen ts
• Sys tem ad mini stra tion d ocume nts
• Security doc uments
• Hardwa re-/software- based secu rity tools
• Shared inform ation betwe en you and your p eers
• T e lecommu nications security exp erts
T o prevent i ntrusions to your tel ecommu nications equipment , you an d
your pee rs shou ld carefull y program and conf igure:
• Y our Avaya-provided telecommun ications s ystems a nd their
interf aces
• Y our Avaya-provided software ap plications , as well as thei r
underl ying hardw are/softwar e platform s and inter faces
• Any oth er equi pment net worked t o your Avaya products
TCP/IP F acilitie s
Custom ers may ex perience difference s in pro duct perfo rmance, r eliabil ity
and s ecurity depe nding upo n networ k configura tions/de sign and
topolo gies, even w hen the product p erforms a s warra nted.
Standards Co mplian ce
Avaya Inc. is n ot respon sible for any rad io or televi sion inter ference
caused by unauth orized mod ifications of this e quipme nt or the
substitu tion or attach ment of co nnecting cab les and equipment other
than those specified by Ava ya Inc. The corr ection of in terference caused
by such unauthorized modificat ions, substitution or attachment will be the
resp onsi bili ty of the us er . P ursu ant to Part 15 of t he Fed eral
Communications Com mission (FCC) Rules, t he user is cautioned that
changes o r modificati ons not expressly app roved by Ava ya Inc. coul d
void th e user ’s autho rity to oper ate this equipment .
Prod uct Sa fety Standa rds
This product com plies with and conforms t o the following international
Produc t Safety standar ds as ap plicable:
Safety o f Informa tion T e chnolo gy Equipm ent, IEC 6 0950, 3r d Edition, o r
IEC 6095 0-1, 1st E dition, including all releva nt nationa l deviation s as
listed in Compliance with IEC f or Electrical Equipment (IECEE) CB-96A.
Safety o f Informa tion T e chnology E quipmen t, CAN/CSA -C22.2
No. 60950-00 / UL 60950, 3rd Edition, or CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.
60950-1 -03 / U L 60950-1 .
Safety Re quirem ents for Info rmation T e chnology Equipmen t, AS/NZS
60950:2 000.
One or more of th e foll owin g Mexic an nat ion al st anda rds, as app lica ble:
NOM 00 1 SCFI 1 993, NO M SCFI 0 16 1993, N OM 019 SCFI 199 8
Electr omagn etic Co mpatibility (EMC) Standa rds
This product com plies with and conforms t o the following international
EMC standa rds an d all rele vant nati onal deviati ons:
Limits and Me thods of Measureme nt of Radio In terferen ce of Informat ion
T e chnolog y Equipment, CIS PR 22:1997, EN 55022:199 8, and AS/NZS
Informat ion T e chnolo gy Equipm ent – Imm unity Cha racteris tics – Lim its
and Meth ods of Measurem ent, CISPR 24:1997 and EN5 5024:1998 ,
• Electrostati c Discharge (ESD) IEC 61000-4 -2
• Radiate d Immuni ty IEC 61 000-4-3
• Electri cal Fast Transient IEC 6100 0-4-4
• Lightn ing Effects IEC 6100 0-4-5
• Condu cted Immu nity IEC 61000-4- 6
Federa l Commu nicati ons Com missi on St atem ent
Part 15:
Note: This eq uipmen t has be en test ed and f ound t o comp ly with
the limi t s for a Class B d igital device , pursuan t to Part 15 of the
FCC R ules. Th ese limits are d esigned to pr ovide r easonab le
protec tion ag ainst ha rmful int erfere nce when the eq uipment is
operat ed in a c ommerci al env ironment . This eq uipme nt ge nerates ,
uses, and can radiat e radio freque ncy ene rgy an d, if not installed
and use d in acc ordanc e with the ins tructio n man ual, may caus e
harmf ul interfer ence to radio communi cations . Operat ion of t his
equipm ent in a residen tial are a is li kely to c ause ha rmful
interfere nce in w hich case t he user wil l be requi red to co rrect t he
inte rfer ence at his o wn expens e.