4.4. Mode swit ch
Under the main interface, Short press
4.Use and Operation Instruction
2.1 Key function instruction
4.1. Interface display
Mute key
Mode key
On-off key
Up key
Down key
Clock key
Under the heating mode or heating mode under the
automatic mode, the mute key operation is effective and
used to enter and exit the mute mode with one click.
4.2. Key and icon function instruction
Key symbols
It is used to switch the unit mode, temperature setting,
and parameter setting.
It is used to carry out startup & shutdown, cancel current
operation,and return to the last level of operation.
It is used to page up, and increase variable value.
It is used to page down, and decrease variable value.
It is used as user clock, and to carry out timing setting.
2.2. Icon function instruction
4. Use and Operation Instruction
Icon symbol
Des ig n a ti o n
Water pump
Fan symbol
Mute symbol
Timing symbol
Water outlet
Water inlet
Locking key
Fault symbol
Wireless signal
Degrees Celsius
Degrees Fahrenheit
Setting symbol
Second symbol
Minute symbol
Hour symbol
Flow symbol
It will display during cooling (there is no limit to startup &
shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is cooling-only
unit or heating-and-cooling unit).
It will display during heating (there is no limit to startup &
shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is heating-only
unit or heating-and-cooling unit).
It will display under the automatic mode (there is no limit to
startup & shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is heating-
and-cooling unit).
It will display in the defrosting process of the unit.
It will display when compressor is started.
It will display when water pump is started.
It will display when fan is started.
When the timing mute function is started, it keeps bright for a
long time. When it is in mute state, it will flash. Or else, it is off.
It will display after the user sets the timing, and multiple timing
intervals can be set .
When the axillary display area displays the water outlet
temperature, the light is on.
When the main display area displays the water inlet temperature,
the light is o n .
When the keyboard is locked, it is on.
In case of unit fault, it is on.
When the unit is connected to WIFI module, it will display
according to the strength of WIFI signal.
When main display area or auxiliary display area displays
degrees Celsius, it is on.
When main display area or auxiliary display area displays
degrees Fahrenheit, it is on.
When the parameter is adjustable, it is on
When main display area displays second digit, it is on.
When main display area displays minute digit, it is on.
When main display area displays hour digit, it is on.
When main display area displays pressure, it is on.
When main display area displays flow , it is on.
to switch the unit among heating
4.Use and Operation Instruction
2.1 Key function instruction
4.1. Interface display
Mute key
Mode key
On-off key
Up key
Down key
Clock key
Under the heating mode or heating mode under the
automatic mode, the mute key operation is effective and
used to enter and exit the mute mode with one click.
4.2. Key and icon function instruction
Key symbols
It is used to switch the unit mode, temperature setting,
and parameter setting.
It is used to carry out startup & shutdown, cancel current
operation,and return to the last level of operation.
It is used to page up, and increase variable value.
It is used to page down, and decrease variable value.
It is used as user clock, and to carry out timing setting.
2.2. Icon function instruction
4. Use and Operation Instruction
Icon symbol
Des ig n a ti o n
Water pump
Fan symbol
Mute symbol
Timing symbol
Water outlet
Water inlet
Locking key
Fault symbol
Wireless signal
Degrees Celsius
Degrees Fahrenheit
Setting symbol
Second symbol
Minute symbol
Hour symbol
Flow symbol
It will display during cooling (there is no limit to startup &
shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is cooling-only
unit or heating-and-cooling unit).
It will display during heating (there is no limit to startup &
shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is heating-only
unit or heating-and-cooling unit).
It will display under the automatic mode (there is no limit to
startup & shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is heating-
and-cooling unit).
It will display in the defrosting process of the unit.
It will display when compressor is started.
It will display when water pump is started.
It will display when fan is started.
When the timing mute function is started, it keeps bright for a
long time. When it is in mute state, it will flash. Or else, it is off.
It will display after the user sets the timing, and multiple timing
intervals can be set .
When the axillary display area displays the water outlet
temperature, the light is on.
When the main display area displays the water inlet temperature,
the light is o n .
When the keyboard is locked, it is on.
In case of unit fault, it is on.
When the unit is connected to WIFI module, it will display
according to the strength of WIFI signal.
When main display area or auxiliary display area displays
degrees Celsius, it is on.
When main display area or auxiliary display area displays
degrees Fahrenheit, it is on.
When the parameter is adjustable, it is on
When main display area displays second digit, it is on.
When main display area displays minute digit, it is on.
When main display area displays hour digit, it is on.
When main display area displays pressure, it is on.
When main display area displays flow , it is on.
4.Use and Operation Instruction
2.1 Key function instruction
4.1. Interface display
Mute key
Mode key
On-off key
Up key
Down key
Clock key
Under the heating mode or heating mode under the
automatic mode, the mute key operation is effective and
used to enter and exit the mute mode with one click.
4.2. Key and icon function instruction
Key symbols
It is used to switch the unit mode, temperature setting,
and parameter setting.
It is used to carry out startup & shutdown, cancel current
operation,and return to the last level of operation.
It is used to page up, and increase variable value.
It is used to page down, and decrease variable value.
It is used as user clock, and to carry out timing setting.
2.2. Icon function instruction
4. Use and Operation Instruction
Icon symbol
Des ig n a ti o n
Water pump
Fan symbol
Mute symbol
Timing symbol
Water outlet
Water inlet
Locking key
Fault symbol
Wireless signal
Degrees Celsius
Degrees Fahrenheit
Setting symbol
Second symbol
Minute symbol
Hour symbol
Flow symbol
It will display during cooling (there is no limit to startup &
shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is cooling-only
unit or heating-and-cooling unit).
It will display during heating (there is no limit to startup &
shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is heating-only
unit or heating-and-cooling unit).
It will display under the automatic mode (there is no limit to
startup & shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is heating-
and-cooling unit).
It will display in the defrosting process of the unit.
It will display when compressor is started.
It will display when water pump is started.
It will display when fan is started.
When the timing mute function is started, it keeps bright for a
long time. When it is in mute state, it will flash. Or else, it is off.
It will display after the user sets the timing, and multiple timing
intervals can be set .
When the axillary display area displays the water outlet
temperature, the light is on.
When the main display area displays the water inlet temperature,
the light is o n .
When the keyboard is locked, it is on.
In case of unit fault, it is on.
When the unit is connected to WIFI module, it will display
according to the strength of WIFI signal.
When main display area or auxiliary display area displays
degrees Celsius, it is on.
When main display area or auxiliary display area displays
degrees Fahrenheit, it is on.
When the parameter is adjustable, it is on
When main display area displays second digit, it is on.
When main display area displays minute digit, it is on.
When main display area displays hour digit, it is on.
When main display area displays pressure, it is on.
When main display area displays flow , it is on.
and automatic mode
4.Use and Operation Instruction
2.1 Key function instruction
4.1. Interface display
Mute key
Mode key
On-off key
Up key
Down key
Clock key
Under the heating mode or heating mode under the
automatic mode, the mute key operation is effective and
used to enter and exit the mute mode with one click.
4.2. Key and icon function instruction
Key symbols
It is used to switch the unit mode, temperature setting,
and parameter setting.
It is used to carry out startup & shutdown, cancel current
operation,and return to the last level of operation.
It is used to page up, and increase variable value.
It is used to page down, and decrease variable value.
It is used as user clock, and to carry out timing setting.
2.2. Icon function instruction
4. Use and Operation Instruction
Icon symbol
Des ig n a ti o n
Water pump
Fan symbol
Mute symbol
Timing symbol
Water outlet
Water inlet
Locking key
Fault symbol
Wireless signal
Degrees Celsius
Degrees Fahrenheit
Setting symbol
Second symbol
Minute symbol
Hour symbol
Flow symbol
It will display during cooling (there is no limit to startup &
shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is cooling-only
unit or heating-and-cooling unit).
It will display during heating (there is no limit to startup &
shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is heating-only
unit or heating-and-cooling unit).
It will display under the automatic mode (there is no limit to
startup & shutdown, and it is optional when the unit is heating-
and-cooling unit).
It will display in the defrosting process of the unit.
It will display when compressor is started.
It will display when water pump is started.
It will display when fan is started.
When the timing mute function is started, it keeps bright for a
long time. When it is in mute state, it will flash. Or else, it is off.
It will display after the user sets the timing, and multiple timing
intervals can be set .
When the axillary display area displays the water outlet
temperature, the light is on.
When the main display area displays the water inlet temperature,
the light is o n .
When the keyboard is locked, it is on.
In case of unit fault, it is on.
When the unit is connected to WIFI module, it will display
according to the strength of WIFI signal.
When main display area or auxiliary display area displays
degrees Celsius, it is on.
When main display area or auxiliary display area displays
degrees Fahrenheit, it is on.
When the parameter is adjustable, it is on
When main display area displays second digit, it is on.
When main display area displays minute digit, it is on.
When main display area displays hour digit, it is on.
When main display area displays pressure, it is on.
When main display area displays flow , it is on.
Operat ion descrip tions:
1 Mode switch operation can only be conducted in the main interface.
1 When the unit is under the defrosting state, the defrosting symbol
is on,with the display interface as follows:
Defrosting state
1 After completing the def r osting, the unit will be automatically switched
to the heating/
automatic mode (keeping consistent with the mode befor e defrosting).
During the defrosting, mode switch is available. And when switching
the mode, the unit won‘t
work under a new mode until defrosting is completed.
4.Use and Operation Instruction
1 2
4 . 3. Startup & shutdown
Keep long press o f " " f o r 0.5 s
to enter ON/OFF interface
When there is no operation
within 15 minutes, it will
display with full screen off
When the unit is started under the control of wire controller, if using the emergency switch to
shut down, the wire controller will display as follows:
Operations are the same as under ON/OFF main interface.
4.4. Mode s witch
Under the main interface, Short press" "to switch the unit among heating " ", cooling " "
and automatic mode " ".
When there is no operation
within 1 minute, it will display
with half screen off
No te s:
St ar tup & s hut dow n o per ati on ca n on ly b e co ndu ct ed in t he m ai n i nte rfa ce.
Wh en it dis pla ys w ith hal f s cr een o ff o r f ull scr ee n o f f, cl ick an y ke y f or re tur nin g t o ON /O FF
m ain in ter fac e.
1 3
4.Use and Operation Instruction
Notes: Under the temperature setting interface, if short press " " , t h e system will return to
the main interface without any changes saved; If there is no operation for 5 s or short press
" " , t h e current mode will be saved, and return to the main interface.
Short press" " for to switch the
mode circularly, after no operation
for 2s, the current mode will be saved.
Automatic mode
2). When the unit is under the defrosting state, the defrosting symbol is on,with the display
interface as follows:
1).After completing the defrosting, the unit will be automatically switched to the heating/
automatic mode (keeping consistent with the mode before defrosting).
During the defrosting, mode switch is available. And when switching the mode, the unit won t
work under a new mode until defrosting is completed.
Heating mode
Op er ati on de scr ip tio ns:
1) . Mod e s wi tch o per at ion c an onl y b e c on duc ted i n t he ma in in ter fac e.
4.5. T emperature setting
P r e s s " " o r " " for increasing
or decreasing target temperature.
Defrosting state
4.Use and Operation Instruction
1 2
4 . 3. Startup & shutdown
Keep long press o f " " f o r 0.5 s
to enter ON/OFF interface
When there is no operation
within 15 minutes, it will
display with full screen off
When the unit is started under the control of wire controller, if using the emergency switch to
shut down, the wire controller will display as follows:
Operations are the same as under ON/OFF main interface.
4.4. M ode s witch
Under the main interface, Short press" "to switch the unit among heating " ", cooling " "
and automatic mode " ".
When there is no operation
within 1 minute, it will display
with half screen off
No te s:
St ar tup & s hut dow n o per ati on ca n on ly b e co ndu ct ed in t he m ai n i nte rfa ce.
Wh en it dis pla ys w ith ha lf scr een o ff o r f ull scr ee n o f f, cl ick an y ke y f or ret ur nin g t o ON /O FF
m ain in ter fac e.
1 3
4.Use and Operation Instruction
Notes: Under the temperature setting interface, if short press " " , t h e system will return to
the main interface without any changes saved; If there is no operation for 5 s or short press
" " , t h e current mode will be saved, and return to the main interface.
Short press" " for to switch the
mode circularly, after no operation
for 2s, the current mode will be saved.
Cooling mode
Automatic mode
2). When the unit is under the defrosting state, the defrosting symbol is on,with the display
interface as follows:
1).After completing the defrosting, the unit will be automatically switched to the heating/
automatic mode (keeping consistent with the mode before defrosting).
During the defrosting, mode switch is available. And when switching the mode, the unit won t
work under a new mode until defrosting is completed.
Heating mode
Op er ati on de scr ip tio ns:
1) . Mod e s wi tch o per at ion c an onl y b e c on duc ted i n t he ma in in ter fa ce.
4.5. T emperature setting
P r e s s " " o r " " for increasing
or decreasing target temperature.
Defrosting state