Safety instructions
– Read the In struction m anual and Ins tallation i nstructions and all other informa tion enclosed with the wa shing
machine and act acco rdingly.
– Retain th e documents for subsequent u se.
Risk of elec tric shock – Never pull the ca ble to disconnec t the mains plug!
– Only insert/pull out the mains plug with dry hands.
Danger to life For worn-ou t applianc es:
– Disconnect the ma ins plug.
– Sever the mains ca ble and disc ard along with the plug.
– Destroy the lock on the washin g machine doo r. This will prev ent children from
locking thems elves in and ris king their li ves.
Danger o f suffocation – Kee p packaging , film and pac kaging parts o ut of the reach o f children.
Risk of poi soning – Keep detergents and ca re produc ts out of the rea ch of children.
Risk of expl osion – Items of laundry pr etreated with cleaning ag ents contain ing solvents , e.g. stain
remover/clean ing solvent may cause an explosion af ter being load ed into the
washing m achine.
Rinse ite ms of laundry thoroughly by hand beforeh and.
Risk of in jury – The washing mac hine door can become very hot.
– Be careful when dr aining hot det ergent soluti on.
– Do not climb ont o the washing machine.
– Do not lean on th e open wa shing machine door.
– Do not reach into the drum if it is still rota ting.
Consumption values
Programme Additional func tion Load Electricity*** Water***
algod. (C ottons/colour eds) 30 °C** 8 kg 0.35 kWh 76 l 2:20 h
algod. (C ottons/colo ureds) 40 °C ** 8 kg 0.97 kWh 76 l 2 :30 h
algod. (C ottons/colo ureds) 60 °C ** 8 kg 1.36 kWh 76 l 2 :40 h
algod. (Co ttons/coloure ds) 60 °C
1 eco*
8 kg 1.03 kWh 56 l 3:25 h
algod. (C ottons/colour eds) 90 °C 8 kg 2.34 kWh 87 l 2:30 h
sintéticos (Easy-care) 40 °C** 3.5 kg 0.55 kWh 55 l 1:43 h
rápido mix (mixed fabrics) 40 °C** 3.5 kg 0.47 kWh 49 l 1:01 h
delicados (Delicates/silk) :c (co ld) 2 kg 0.04 kWh 35 l 0:41 h
delicados (D elicates/silk) 30 °C 2 kg 0.14 kWh 35 l 0:41 h
ÿlana/lã (Woo l) :c (cold) 2 kg 0.06 kWh 40 l 0:40 h
ÿlana/lã (Wo ol) 30 °C 2 kg 0.16 kWh 40 l 0:40 h
* Progra mme setting f or testing and energy la belling in acco rdance with EU directive 92/ 75/EEC.
** Programme s etting for test ing in accord ance with app licable standa rd EN60456.
Note on co mparative tests: When usi ng the tes t programmes, w ash the specif ied load usin g the maxi mum spin speed .
As a short programme for coloureds, s elect the pro gramme rápido mix (mixed fabrics) 40 °C a nd the maxim um spin
*** The values devia te from the indic ated values de pending on wat er pressure, h ardness, a nd inlet temp erature, ambien t
temperatu re, type, amount and soiling of the laundry, detergent use d, fluctuation s in the po wer supply and s elected
addition al functions .
Important information
Before washing for the fi rst time
Do not put a ny laundry in the mac hine. Turn the tap on. Pour th e following i nto compartm ent II:
– app rox. 1 litre water
– detergent (dos age accord ing to the manufac turer's instruc tions for lig ht soiling and accor ding to water har dness)
Turn the pr ogramme selecto r to sintético s (Easy-care) 60 °C and press inicio /pausa +car ga (Sta rt /Pause+Reload).
At the end of the prog ramme, turn t he programm e selector t o stop ( Off).
Protecting the laundr y and the ma chine
– When determ ining the dos age of all w ashing powde rs, additives and cleaning agen ts, you mus t follow the
manufactu rer's instructi ons.
– Empty po ckets.
– Look out for metal items (paperclips, etc.).
– Wash delic ates in a laundr y bag (tights, cur tains, underwir ed bras).
– Fasten zips, do up any bu ttons.
– Brush sand out of pock ets and collars .
– Remove curtain fittings or place in the laundry bag.
Loading la undry
Load items of laundr y of varying s izes.
Take care n ot to trap item s of laundr y between th e washing ma chine door and the rubber s eal.
Laundr y with varying degr ees of soiling
Wash new items of clothi ng separately .
Do not pre-w ash. If requi red, select the a dditiona 2 rápido function.
Pretreat any stains as ne cessary.
heavy Do not load as much laundry. Select the p rogram with pre-wash.
Soaking Load laundr y of the same colo ur.
Pour soaking agent/de tergent into co mpartment II in accord ance with th e manufacturer 's instructio ns. Turn the
programme selector to algod. (Cottons/coloured s) 30 ° C and press inicio /p ausa +carga (Start /Pause+R eload). After
approx . 10 minutes, pres s inicio/paus a +carga (Start/P ause+Reloa d ) to stop the programme. Once the requir ed
soaking time has elaps ed, press inicio /pausa +carga (Start /Pause+Rel oad) again t o continue the pr ogramme, or
change to a different prog ramme.
Starching La undry must n ot be treated with fabric so ftener
Starching is possible in all wash pro grammes if liquid starch is used. Pour starch into the ~ fabric softener
compartmen t in accord ance with the ma nufacturer's instructions (r inse first if nec essary).
Dye shoul d only be used i n normal h ousehold quan tities. Salt m ay damage stainl ess steel. Always follow the dye
manufactu rer's instructi ons. Do n ot use the washi ng machine for bleaching c lothes.
imperm. (O utdoor) Laundry mus t not be treated with fabri c softener.
Special detergent suitable for ma chine washing is a vailable particularly in s ports shops. For dosage info rmation, see t he
manufactu rer's instructions. Special detergent for outdoor clothing in compartment II. Turn the pr ogramme selector to
imperm. ( Outdoor) Select the temperature and inicio/pausa +carga ( St art/Pause+Relo ad).
1 0
Insert for liquid detergent depe nding on mod el
Position th e insert for dispensing liq uid detergent:
– Remov e the detergent drawer com pletely
page 10.
– Slide the inser t forwards .
Do not us e the insert (slide up wards):
– for gel deterg ents and washi ng powder,
– for prog rammes with +prelav. (pre-wash) or option pr. diferida (Finished in).
Machine housing, control panel
– Remove detergen t residue im mediately.
– Wipe with a soft, damp cloth.
– Do not clea n with a jet o f water.
Cleaning the detergent draw er ...
... if it con tains dete rgent or fabric softener residue s.
1. Pull out , press insert dow n, remove draw er completely.
2. To remove th e insert: pre ss the insert upwards from below with your finger.
3. Clean the detergent disp enser tray a nd insert with water a nd a brush and dry it.
4. Fit the i nsert and enga ge (connect t he cylinder t o the guide pin ).
5. Push in the detergent draw er.
Leave the detergent dr awer open so that any re sidual water can evaporate .
Leave the washing ma chine door o pen so tha t the drum can dry out.
Use chlor ine-free cleaning agent, not steel wool.
Descaling Ensur e there is n o laundry in the machine !
This sho uld not be ne cessary if the correct deter gent dosa ge has been us ed. If it is ne cessary, however, proceed
according to the descal ing agent ma nufacturer's instructions. Suitable desc alers can be o btained via ou r website or
from o ur after-sales ser vice (
page 13) .
Information on the display panel d ep ending on model
flashing Close t he washing m achine door properly; laund ry may be caug ht.
§: ³Å, É Open the ( cold water) tap completely, supply hose k inked or trapped; Clean the filter
page 11,
water press ure too low .
§: ³µ – De tergent soluti on pump blocked; Clean the d etergent soluti on pump
page 11.
– Dra inage hose/ waste pipe bloc ked; Clean the dra inage hose at the siphon
page 11.
§: ´ Water in the base tub, ap pliance leakin g. Call the a fter-sales servic e.
# Childpr oof lock activ ated: to deactiva te a page 5 .
Other disp lays Switc h off the appliance, wait for 5 seconds and switch it back on. If the display appears again, call
the after-sa les service
page 13.
– Risk of electri c shock! Disconnect the ma ins plug.
– Risk of expl osion! No so lvents.
1 1
Informati on abou t blockage s
Detergent solution pum p
Turn the pr ogramme sel ector to st op (Off) and disconnect the mains plug.
1. Open and remove the service flap.
2. Take the dra inage hose o ut of the reta iner.
Remove the s ealing cap , allow the deter gent solution to flow out.
Push the sea ling cap back on.
3. Unscrew th e pump cover car efully (residua l water).
4. Clean the inter ior, pump cov er thread and pump housing (the impeller in the detergent
solution pump must be able to rotate).
5. Replace the pump cover and screw it on tightly. The ha ndle points up right. Replac e the
drainage hose in the ho lder.
6. Refit the service flap and close it.
To prevent unused deter gent from flow ing straight into the drain during the next wa sh:
Pour 1 litr e of water into compartment II a nd start p rogramme l ( Drain).
Drainage hose at the siphon
Turn the pr ogramme selecto r to stop (Off) and disconnect the ma ins plug.
1. Loosen the hose clamp , remove the dr ainage hose carefully (resi dual water).
2. Clean the drainage hos e and sipho n connecting piece.
3. Reattach the drainag e hose and s ecure the connecti on with the hos e clamp.
Filter in the water supply
Risk of electri c shock
Do not immer se the HydroSa fe safety device in water (it co ntains an electric valv e).
Reduce the water press ure in the sup ply hose:
1. Turn off the tap.
2. Select an y programme (ex cept (Spin)/4 (Empty)).
3. Press ini cio /pausa +car ga (Start /Pau se+Reload). Let the programme run fo r approxi mately
40 second s.
4. Turn the pr ogramme sel ector to st op (Off). Disconnect the mains plug .
Clean the filter:
5. Disconnec t the hose from the tap.
Clean the filter with a s mall brush.
and/or for Standard and Aqua-Secur e models:
Remove the hose from the back of th e appliance,
Remove the filt er using pl iers and clean the filter.
6. Connect the hose and chec k for leaks.
Risk of scald ing
– Allow the deterg ent solution to cool down.
– Turn off t he tap.
1 2
What to do if...
Water is leak ing out. – Attach/replace the drai nage hose co rrectly.
– Tighten the screw conn ection of t he supply hose.
No water s upply.
Detergent not dispensed.
– inicio/ pausa +carg a ( Start/Paus e+Reload) not pressed?
– Tap not turn ed on?
– Fil ter blocked? Cl ean the filte r
page 11.
– Supply hose kinked or tra pped?
Washing machine doo r cannot
be opened.
– Safety function a ctive. Program me stopped?
page 4.
– (Rin se Hold = no final spin) selec ted?
page 3, 4.
– Can be opened by emergency rel ease only?
page 13.
Programme does not start. – inicio /pa usa +carga (Start /Pause+Relo ad) pressed or " Finished i n" time
– Washing ma chine doo r closed?
– Childl ock active? Deac tivate
page 5.
Detergen t solution does not
– (Rin se Hold = no final spin) selec ted?
page 3, 4.
– Clean the detergent solu tion pum p
page 11.
– Clean the wa ste pipe and/o r drainage hose.
Water not visib le in the dru m. – Not a fau lt - water bel ow the visible ar ea.
Spin resu lt not satisfacto ry.
Laundry wet/to o damp.
– Not a fault - the unbalan ced-load dete ction system interrupted spinn ing, uneven
laundry dis tribution.
Distribute large and sm all items of la undry evenly in the drum.
– 3 m enos (Red uced ironing) selected?
page 5.
– Speed selected too low?
page 5.
The progr amme duration
changes during the was hing
– Not a fault - the programme sequence is opti mised for t he relevant was hing
process. Th is can caus e changes in the progra mme duration in the display p anel.
Drum spins gently several times. – Not a fau lt - unbalanced- load detectio n system is a djusting the imbalance.
Residual water in the ~
compartmen t for care pr oducts.
– Not a fault - the action o f the care prod uct is not aff ected.
– Clea n the insert if necessary
page 10.
Odours in the was hing machine. – Run programme algod. (Cottons/coloure ds) 90 ° C wi thout l aundry. Use standard
Status dis play³þ f lashing.
Detergen t may escape from the
detergent d rawer.
– Too much deterg ent used?
Mix 1 tables poon of fabri c softener with ½ litre of wa ter and pour into
compartment II ( not for outdoo r or down fab rics).
– Reduce the detergent do sage for the n ext wash cycl e.
Loud spi nning, vibrati ons and
“walking” d uring the s pin cycle.
– Are t he applianc e feet fixed?
Secure appli ance feet
Installation instructions.
– Trans portation safety devices remo ved?
Remove trans portation safety devices
Installation instructions.
Noises du ring spinni ng and
– Clean the detergent solu tion pum p
page 11.
Display p anel/indicator lamps
do not fun ction during
– Power cut?
– Circuit breakers tripped or fuses blow n? Reset the circuit breakers or change the
– Energy savi ng mode acti ve?
– If the fault occu rs repeatedl y, call the af ter-sales servi ce.
Programme sequence lon ger
than usua l.
– Not a fau lt - unbalanced- load detectio n system is a djusting the imb alance by
repeatedly r edistributing th e laundry.
– Not a fault - foam detection system active - adds an ad ditional rinse cycle.
There is detergent resi due on
the laund ry.
– Occasion ally, phosphate- free detergents contain wa ter-insoluble r esidues.
– Select 5 (Rins e) or brush out the laundry after washing .
1 3
What to do if...
In reload mode,
inicio/p ausa+carga ( Start/
Pause+R eload) flashe s very
quickly and a signal s ounds
– Water level too h igh. Not possible to a dd more laundry. Close t he washing machine
door immed iately if neces sary.
– To co ntinue the pr ogramme, pre ss inicio /pausa +ca rga (Star t /Pause+Reload).
If you can not correct a fault yourself (s witching on/o ff) or a repair is required:
– Turn the programm e selector to stop (Off) and remove th e mains plug from the soc ket.
– Turn off the tap a nd call the after -sales servic e a page 13 .
Emergency release e .g. in the event of a power cut
The programme continues when the power supply is restored. However, if the laundry has to be removed, the washing
machine do or can be open ed as follows :
Risk of scaldin g!
The detergent solu tion an d laundry may be hot. If poss ible, leave to coo l down.
Do not reac h into the drum if it is still rotating.
Do not open the washing machine d oor if water ca n be seen thr ough the gl ass.
1. Turn th e programme select or to stop (Off) and disconnec t the mains plug.
2. Drain the detergent sol ution a p age 11.
3. Pull t he emergency rel ease downwa rds with a t ool and releas e.
Washing machine d oor can then be opened .
After-sales service
If you cannot remedy the f ault yourself (What to d o if . .., a page 12, 1 3), contact our af ter-sales service. We w ill always
find a s uitable soluti on to avoid unnecessary vi sits by repair perso nnel.
The conta ct details of your nearest a fter-sales service can be found here or in the after-s ales service directory (mo del-
depen dent).
Please give the after-sa les service th e product num ber (E no.) and the production (FD) number of the appli ance.
Product num ber Pr oduction num ber
This infor mation can be found:
on the i nside of the washing mac hine door*/open ed service
flap* and rear of the applia nce.
*model-depen dent
Trust th e manufacturer 's competen ce. Turn to us.
You will thereby ensure that the repairs are per formed by trained service personnel equipped with original repair parts.
Instructi on manual
Observe the safety inst ructions o n page 8.
Read these instructions and the separate
instal lation instructi ons before operating
the w ashing mac hine.