•Place the appliance so that sufficient air circulation is ensured. Leave 10 cm
clearance from walls and other objects.
•In order to avoid damage to the compressor, do not tilt the appliance more than
45° when positioning or transporting it.
•If the appliance is to be relocated, follow the instructions below:
–switch the appliance off;
–disconnect the plug from the socket;
–take out contents of the appliance;
–tape firmly all loose elements in the internal chamber and tape the door;
–the appliance may only be transported in vertical position.
•The electric socket should be easily accessible so it is possible to quickly disconnect the power cord when necessary. The electric socket should be easily accessible so it is possible to quickly disconnect the power cord when necessary. The electric socket should be easily accessible so it is possible to quickly disconnect the power cord when necessary.
•Two front feet of the appliance may be adjusted through screwing in/out so that
the appliance stands stable.
The appliance is not suitable for built-in installation.
Power supply connection
•Verify if technical data of the appliance (see rating plate) correspond with the
local electric power grid specification.
•Connect the appliance to a single, properly grounded mains socket with
protective contact. Do not connect the appliance to a multi-socket.
•The power cord should be laid in a way preventing anyone from threading on it
or tripping against it.
•If the appliance was stored or transported vertically, leave it standing
horizontally for 12 hours before it is connected to electric power.
•Following an electric power outage, wait at least 3 minutes before reconnecting
the appliance to prevent a damage to the compressor.
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