CAUTION!Immediately upon receiving the product, carefully unpack the carton, check the contents to ensure that all parts are present,and
have been received in good condition. Notify the shipper immediately and retain packing material for inspection if any parts appear damage from
shipping or the package itself shows signs of mishandling. Save the package and all packing materials. In the event that the product must be returned to
the factory, it is important that the product be returned in the original factory box and packing.
If the unithas been exposed to drastic temperature fluctuation (e.g. after transportation), do not switch it on immediately. The arisingcondensation water
might damage your unit. Leave the unitswitched off until it has reached room temperature.
On the label on the backside of theunitis indicated on this type of power supply must be connected. Check that the mains voltage corresponds to this, all
other voltages than specified, the light effect can be irreparably damaged. The product must also be directly connected to the mains and maybe used. No
dimmer or adjustable power supply.
WARNING!Always connect the unitto a protected circuit (circuit breaker or fuse). Make sure the unithas an appropriate electrical ground to
avoid the risk of electrocution or fire.
The mounting place must be of sufficient stability and be able to support a weight of 10 times of the unit’s weight. Secure the unitwith a safety cable so
that it cannot fall down.
If you are using a standard DMX controller, you can connect the DMX output of the controller directly to the DMX input of thefirst unitin a DMX chain.
Always connect the output of one unit with the input of the next unituntil allunitsare connected.
CAUTION!At the lastunit, you must close the DMX line with a terminating resistor. Take an XLR connector and solder a 120 Ohm resistor
between signal (-) and signal (+) and connect it to the DMX output of the last unitin the line.
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